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27th October 2019, 19:20
Hi, Rusty!
Lionel and his friends did very well, raising so much money for their charity.
And I am sure they had a whale of a time, en route to Alicante.
You will enjoy hearing all about it!
I have friends living there.
Yes, I hate fireworks, too.
We shall have them going off now, through until after the New Year celebrations!
This is an annual occurrence......and I dread it every year.....
I think sale of fireworks to private individuals should be banned.
My poor dog is terrified!
29701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2019, 19:31
Hello, Elle!
It was not always a tail wind to Alicante.
They had problems to overcome on the way.
Mechanical problems with bikes.
Problems finding digs etc.
But they got there!
I don't think I have heard any fireworks this year, so far.
There will be many dogs and cats terrified, I'm thinking.
29702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2019, 20:27
Hi, Rusty!
I think it was a brave undertaking to travel so far by bike......
Good for them!
I have just been talking to my cousin....
All is well up there, apart from being very cold and wet!
Like with us, there has just been a half term holiday, so she has had the grandchildren around.
You are lucky not having fireworks as yet......
I suspect we shall be hearing them all the week.
The cat is impervious to all the noise.......the dog distressed.
Right.....time now for a coffee......and maybe a chocolate muffin!
29703 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2019, 21:05
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it was a big undertaking, but they made it!
This stuff was mentioned on AnswerBank as being good for dogs who are frightened by noise.
It is on prescription from vets.
May be worth asking your vet about it?
I have lentil and carrot soup for my supper.
Made it this morning!

29704 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2019, 23:05
Hi, Rusty!
Oops..... so sorry for the delay in replying!
I have just had a short (uhm..maybe not-so -short?) zizz!
The dog awoke me, wanting to go out into the garden.
Brrrh! it is freezing cold out there.....
Thank you for the link ......that is indeed very kind of you.
I have spoken to my vet before , though, about my dog's being afraid of the fireworks.
She says that, once upon a time , when firework activity was (more or less) confined to the one night only, she would have been willing to prescribe a sedative or such......but nowadays when the noise level stretches for so long a time...... she doesn't think it practical or advisable.
I guess that does make good sense?
I cannot repeatedly keep "dosing" my dog night after night.....
These fireworks will go on now intermittently for the next couple of months!
This happens every year about this time.
Your carrot and lentil soup sounds delicious......and warming!
I could do with a bowl right now!
29705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2019, 12:53
Good afternoon, Elle!
Another fine day here!
Very frosty earlier.
Your vet makes very good sense.
A blasted pity about the fireworks, though!
My soup is good, though I say it myself!
Very simple ingredients and a pinch of salt and into the slow cooker!
Thought 1a, was a smashing clue, today!
2d and 17a are new to me!
29706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2019, 16:47
Good afternoon, Rusty!
What a lovely day it has been!
I went out for an early walk this morning in brilliant sunshine, with a bright blue sky......but a temperature of only 2C!
With (our very first) frost all over the roofs, grass and cars!
I have been at home all the morning ...but went out again this afternoon.
I am only just home now....... and it is already growing dark.
Yes, quite a nice puzzle today!
I liked "s car city" in 1a!
I couldn't do 15a: G?E?A?I?L?
And also cannot parse "Aberdeen terrier" in 2d or "disco" in 23d?
29707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2019, 18:56
Good evening, Elle!
Been a great day here but getting cold now!
I liked 1a, a lot! Clever setter!
15a is "Grenadilla" which I presume is a passion fruit?
The island is Grenada, around "ill"/laid up.
I know the wood from the grenadilla is used in making woodwind instruments.
I have never heard of an Aberdeen Terrier!
But the parse is, "Dee" is the girl, a European capital is "a Bern", the row is "tier" around stray/"err".
Disco, the command is "do!", around "is", in clue, and "C" for Conservative.
I think "do" in the manner of "do get a move on", maybe not, but that is what comes to my mind.
29708 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2019, 19:49
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the help with the clue that I couldn't do..... and with the two parses.
I have never heard of "grenadilla", although I can now understand how it is contrived from the clue.
You probably know the Aberdeen terrier better as a Scottish terrier or the Scottie?
They can be different colours, but more commonly black?
I was once bitten by a elder daughter's landlady's dog!
He was not, obviously, the friendliest of creatures!
The door bell has been ringing.....Trick or Treaters....
But it is not Hallowe'en yet?
It is a custom I abhor.......I would never let my kids do something like that......
Fortunately, it was not "fashionable" here when they were small!
29709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2019, 20:08
Hello, Elle!
Now, I must confess I am not good at identifying dog breeds!
But, I would call an Aberdeen Terrier, a Scottie, and so would everyone I know.
"Dee" being the girl's name was a strange one, I thought.
I thought of Dee Dee Wilde of Pan's People, but her proper name was Patricia!
And Dee Hepburn was in Gregory's Girl.
That's the only Dees I know! Do you know any?
I may get two little callers on Halloween.
My next door neighbour has two little granddaughters who may come a knocking!
29710 of 30765  -   Report This Post