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25th October 2019, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day here ...for a change!
I am just back from my walk.......very muddy everywhere.
I hope your daughter-in-law enjoys the CD you gave her.
i didn't know that CDs weren't the " in thing" anymore ?
I have quite a number of them.
I hope CD players don't become a thing of the the moment, we have three, and fortunately all are working well!
I have a free day ahead.....I shall make a coffee...look at my crossword.....and then read my book!
I managed to hunt down To Kill A Mocking Bird", and so have started reading that.
29651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 10:47
Good morning, Elle!
Frosty here, today!
I think my son has not been to Curry's lately!
Huge selection of things to play CD's on.
Mainly boomboxes. (That's what I have).
A CD player and radio combined.
I have finished my puzzle.
I hope you don't need a parse for 22a, for I am stumped!
I have an answer for 14a. It is new to me, and I do not understand the definition in Chambers!
Other than that, a fine puzzle?
I had a look at "Too Kill a Mockingbird" on Amazon.
It gets very good reviews!
Why was Jean Louise called "Scout"?
29652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 12:27
Hi, Rusty!
One of our CD players has a radio....and another will play tapes...although the few of those that I had, "died" a long time ago!
( I rather think that one of the cats unravelled one of the tapes !)
I cannot remember knowing why "Scout" was so called?
She was somewhat of a tomboy...hated "girlish" activities .....and liked to "scout around" and find out about things......could it be that?
As I said, I am re-reading the book, so may come across an explanation, whilst so doing.
Yes, the book was very well reviewed, and Harper Lee won a Pulitzer prize for it.
I haven't done much of my puzzle...the morning did not go down as I had planned!
Phone calls and a visitor put paid to that!
I shall take a look shortly and get back to you, if I can offer any assistance over 22a and 14a!
Unlikely that I shall be able to do so, though, if you cannot do it!
29653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 12:58
Hello, Elle!
Just home, was out for a dander.
It is a long time since I had tapes, either audio or video!
I did a bit of "scouting" to find out why Scout was so called.
Your view is what I discovered to be the likely answer, (well done!) though the author did not divulge the reason.
I have looked up 14a in Chambers and there is a definition there that covers 14a quite nicely.
That leaves 22a. I have the answer, but I simply do not understand the technicalities of Chambers definition.
And Collins is the same.
It is "Beyond My Ken", as it were, or I am just thick!
29654 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 13:38
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I am afraid that I can be of no help, as I cannot do three of the clues, and , unfortunately, that includes 14a and 22a!
I have
14a: T???N???S?
22a: P???O???R
Also 10d: T?K? / ??E / ???N?E
And no ideas whatsoever!
I liked 11a: lanolin and 5d: ill- considered.
"Bong" as in a pipe used for smoking marijuana , is new to me.
Do you remember the radio stations "Beyond Our Ken " and "Round The Horne"?
I enjoyed them.......very clever and funny!
29655 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 13:54
Hello, Elle!
14, is "Turing Test". The day is "Tues", call is "ring", "t" for time, "t"hat's first.
Have a look in Chambers and see if you understand it!
22, turns out to be "pot boiler".
It is a term that I did not know the meaning of.
10, is "take the plunge".
Army was "TA", maintain is "keep", forward movement is "lunge", about half of "th"em.
Yes I remember those shows.
I liked them!
29656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 15:11
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you very much for your help.
Yes, I can follow your parsing......
But no, I, too, don't understand the answers!
I have never heard the term "potboiler"
And the explanation of "Turing Test", in Chambers, sounds to me like "gobbledygook"!
Did you ever listen to "The Day of the Triffids " as a serial on the radio?
Oh my, was it spooky!
So much more scary that it was as a film!
And I remember being terrified by "Journey into Space"......I used to make my mother look under my bed, before I would go to sleep!

29657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 15:32
Hello, Elle!
I had seen "potboiler" written in articles but did not know what it meant, until I looked it up today.
I looked up "Turing Test" on YouTube, and am slightly the wiser, I think.
I don't remember listening to "The Day of the Triffids", though.
The scariest programme that I remember was "The Black Museum", on Radio Luxembourg, narrated by Orson Welles.
Was about "true murders"! Was scary!
Orson Welles had the perfect voice for it!
29658 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 17:10
Hi. Rusty!
I don't remember "The Black Museum".
I do think that there were some programmes that were not as effective on TV as they were on the radio.
I used to like "listening" to "The likely Lads" - James Bolam, Rodney Bewes - but it was never as funny when "seen"!
Well, we have rain...again!
I do not recall our ever having so much rain in our particular locality....somehow, our village would miss out on the rain...even if it were raining a few hundred yards down the road!
I think the forecast is poor for tomorrow , too!
29659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th October 2019, 19:23
Good evening, Elle!
"The Black Museum" was on Luxembourg in 1953.
(Just looked it up!)
I did not know "The Likely Lads" was a radio show, only saw the TV show.
And you have more rain!
It is slightly frosty here.
Our local forecast is good for the next few days.
29660 of 30765  -   Report This Post