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30th October 2019, 16:32
Hello Ros, nice to hear from you!

I am not surprised by your memories of Venice - several friends
had mentioned the fact that it was a dirty city, and somewhat
overrated. But I suppose most people see it as a romantic
place to go, and if I ever went to Italy, I may want to see it with
my own eyes ......quickly;

I envy your knowledge of Italy, I know Portugal and some parts
of Spain (mostly in the southern half), my favourite place there
being Sevilla (which is not overrated) . I spent 5 days there and
felt it was not quite enough to see all the beautiful places the city
has to offer
Madeira is another favourite place of mine, A beautiful island.

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30th October 2019, 16:45
We went back to Florence after an interval of several years last year, and were shocked by how much more crowded it was!

Talking of places that you couldn't believe could be as good as the hype, but turned out to be so, I would add the gardens of the Villa d'Este at Tivoli (near Rome).
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30th October 2019, 17:11
Hello, Elle!
I think your imagination is running away with you!
My daughter-in-law has always had a hankering to visit Venice.
That's the reason they went.
They arrived a half an hour ago.
Just had a text. Not heard about the water transport, yet.
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30th October 2019, 17:32
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, I do remember had said that your daughter-in -law had a yen to see Venice.....
I am glad they arrived safely.
But there is nothing wrong with a bit of romance , Rusty...
"Love makes the World go round" and all that jazz!
I like to think nice "romantic" thoughts , sometimes!
I wonder how BB is getting on with the Sports Club facilities offered by his school this second half term week.......I am expecting a (telephone) report from him any time soon!
It has been a lovely day here, but exceedingly cold.
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31st October 2019, 11:06
Chris, sorry about delay in replying - I was starting to prepare
dinner when you posted yesterday.

I just had a look at photographs of Villa d'Este on computer - it does
look very attractive - incredible ' water displays' of which I presume
some are natural, and others man-made? or is it all natural?

It seems to be set in a rather hilly surrounding!

Do you still go regularly to Italy then?
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31st October 2019, 11:15
Hi pigale
The fountains (of which there are hundreds) are all man-made, but gravity-driven - the site is quite sloping, as you spotted.

We haven't been abroad at all this year - first time for ages that we've not been to Italy. It's all been too uncertain, and there are environmental issues with flying too (and I hate airports!)
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31st October 2019, 12:17
Hi again Chris,

I agree about airports! A lot of wasted time spent there.
Unfortunately, things are still rather uncertain......

Do you know when the fountains were created? is it of a
contempory time or did the Romans have something to do with
it? They had such an advanced civilisation!
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31st October 2019, 12:58
It's 16th century (cinquecento), pigale

There is an enormous Roman site at Tivoli - the Villa Adrianna (Hadrian's villa). When he was caeser, the empire was run from it. A lot still hasn't been excavated.
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31st October 2019, 13:21
A very interesting article Chris, thank you.

I wish I could see the Villa for myself, but I doubt that will ever happen!
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31st October 2019, 13:33
"Caesar" of course - I thought "caeser" didn't look right!

I hope you do get there, pigale. As I said, one of the places that is at least as good as its reputation.
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