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25th October 2019, 19:58
Rusty / Elle

I believe that Kenneth Horne’s programmes can still be heard on BBC Radio 4Extra - as can many other classics.
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25th October 2019, 20:21
Hi, Rusty!
Update...…..I've looked this up...... and it seems I misinformed you!
The original "Likely Lads" series seems to have started as a black and white TV show.
Then it was adapted for the radio.
Later on, the show returned to the TV in colour entitled "Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?"
It must have been this last that I saw on the television, after having listened to the earlier radio shows. you know of a radio show , with George Cole playing a young man called David, who had a dog called Psyche?
The young man had a very forceful mother who tried to run his life!
I have been racking my brains to remember what the radio series was called?
It was very amusing!
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25th October 2019, 20:45
A friend and I spent last Saturday morning trying not to find out the results of England - Auistralia before we watched the recording. It reminded me of the Likely Lads trying to avoid knowing the England football score - but it turned out to be fogged off!

We're going to watch tomorrow's live (though I'm not expecting England to win this one).
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25th October 2019, 20:58
I remember that episode of "The Likely Lads", Chris!
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25th October 2019, 21:22
Hello, Kenyatta!
Thank you for the info!
I tend to go to YouTube for these sort of things.
I could spend hours exploring YouTube!
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25th October 2019, 21:30
Hello, Elle!
I remember The Likely Lads in black and white...I think!
I know I enjoyed the series.
I don't know the George Cole show, but Google says it was "A Life of Bliss"?
Sounds a bit like Timothy, who Ronnie Corbett played.
Can't remember the title though?
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25th October 2019, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
David Bliss..... Yes!
Well done for finding that!
And, in turn, I can help you with the Ronnie Corbett reference....
I think "Timothy" (cannot recall his surname) was in "Sorry".
A forties something man (a librarian?) who still lived with his parents....and had a very domineering mother.
Timothy used to apologise constantly...hence the title of the series.

Sorry, Kenyatta, I had not seen your post.
Thank you for the info!
I wonder would we still find the programmes funny , were we to listen to hem today.
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25th October 2019, 22:25
Hello, Elle!
Ah, yes!
"Sorry", so it was!
I would not know his surname, though!
I used to like Rigsby in "Rising Damp", too.
He was funny!
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25th October 2019, 22:43
Hi, Rusty!
I never watched "Rising Damp", but I heard tell that it was very good.
One programme that I couldn't stand was "Monty Python"!
I suspect that perhaps it was like "Marmite"..... one either loved it or hated it!
I hated it!
My daughter phoned earlier.
She was on her way out for the evening, going to meet up with two of her friends for dinner!
Her husband was feeding the boys and putting them to bed.
I hope she has enjoyed herself.
She works hard and deserves a night out!
Still wet out.....
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25th October 2019, 23:19

Hello, Elle!
I never watched Monty Python!
And I don't know if I've ever had Marmite!
You are certainly getting the rain in the South.
It is a wee bit frosty here.
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