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26th October 2019, 10:28
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A dry sunny morning far giving the lie to the threatened rain!
Still six (!) goslings......
We are just back from checking on our friend's house whilst they are away.
All appears well.
I have no specific plans for the rest of today....
How about you?
Are you going to the Pine Cone?
29671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 10:53
Good morning, Elle!
Beautiful frosty morn here!
No plans today.
Staying home. No paper today.
Done the puzzle online, though.
Maybe go to Pine Cone next week when the Norn Iron folk are over.
Will watch the skiing shortly!
29672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 12:47
Hi, Rusty!
You are lucky with your weather!
A lovely frosty morning sounds wonderful.
But at least it is fine sign yet of the aforementioned rain.
You are feeling well though?
It is unusual for you not to go out for your paper......
That is nice that your friends from Norn Iron are coming over next weekend.
A visit to the Pine Cone then sounds a good idea!
Has the skiing started?
I have only just finished a list of chores...quite why they had accumulated and needed doing this morning, I don't know!
Perhaps because I had such a "lazy" day yesterday!
Time now for a coffee and a look at my crosswords - .John has sent me four today.....!
29673 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 13:38
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it is lovely weather here today.
I am fine.
The skiing was great.
A win for 17 year old Alice Robinson of New Zealand.
She just pipped Mikaela Shiffrin.
They both looked delighted with their runs.
Only downside was a bad crash for Bernadette Schild who was airlifted off the mountain to hospital, by helicopter.
Four puzzles will keep you busy!
29674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 13:58
Hi, Rusty!
I spoke too soon...our rain has arrived!
Oh dear!
I am glad the skiing went well.
I don't know Alice Robinson? but the name Mikaela Shiffrin is indeed familiar.
You must have mentioned her before.
I hope the poor girl who crashed will be okay.
At least there are no crashes in tennis and athletics - my favourite sports!
I don't think I could stand the suspense of constantly anticipating a disaster!
I shall only attempt the usual Times Cryptic format (John gets carried away!) and I am not doing well with that!
I put in 1a and 1d with ease (great clues) and thought 'Oh , this is going to be good'.......but am grinding slowly to a halt..... and think I shall just give up!
The lure of my book is just too strong.....!
29675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 14:17
Hello, Elle!
Alice is a new kid on the block.
I hope Bernadette will be fine, too.
They took her off the mountain on the end of a winch-line from the helicopter.
They said this is the quickest way to get her to hospital.
The paramedics were with her very quickly.
No point doing the puzzle if you are not enjoying it.
29676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 16:00
Hi, Rusty!
I've just been out quickly with the dog.
It is raining quite heavily .....and is very blustery!
I am glad to be indoors again.
I am "in" for the rest of the day! mind is on my book.....
I am now more than half way through "To Kill A Mocking Bird."
I do of course know the basic story, as I have previously read the book and also seen the film, but it was a very, very (very!) long time ago......
There are many aspects and parts that I had forgotten.....
Atticus does a good job of teaching his children to respect others....and to know right from wrong in the very difficult times, and background, in which they all live.
I am again impressed by Harper Lee's telling of events.......
I don't think I shall do much else, until I have finished reading the book.......!
29677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 17:00
Hello, Elle!
You have more rain!
Dearie me!
Lovely day here.
Bernadette Schild was diagnosed with an anterior cruciate ligament tear, at Innsbruck.
She is out for the season, unfortunately.
You certainly seem to enjoy reading "To Kill A Mockingbird"!
I would leave off your puzzles as you are engrossed in the doings of Atticus and Scout etc!
You can always tackle Everyman tomorrow.
Think I may have a go at it myself!
29678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 17:59
Good evening, Rusty!
I shall finish my book at some stage, this evening......
Did I tell you that one of my friend's has (elderly) dogs named "Scout" and "Boo"..... from the book?
I hope you will enjoy the Everyman, if you are going to have a go at it tomorrow!
It can vary in difficulty from week to week, but the clues are usually clever and well thought out.
It is my favourite crossword!
I like the way every little bit of the clue is valid and important
But I don't read the comments about the puzzle any more.......I'm tired of hearing the setter blamed for an individual's inadequacies.
This is happening repetitively, week and after week, and is becoming tedious...and most unfair.
Yes, still raining!
29679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th October 2019, 18:35
Hello, Elle!
No, you never mentioned the dogs!
I have a notion that there was a band called Boo Radley, though?
I'll see what tomorrow brings, but I think I'll have a look at the Everyman, anyway.

*"I'm tired of hearing the setter blamed for an individual's inadequacies."*
Very well put, Elle!
I feel the same way. I am on the side of the setters!
They have provided entertainment and a challenge for me for many years, and I appreciate their ingenuity and labours!
Still raining?
You folks to the South will be getting webbed feet soon!
29680 of 30765  -   Report This Post