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29th October 2019, 16:05
So long as you are well Rusty!
Do you still go to Pine Cone with your grand-daughters?
They must be stocking up on Christmas trees?

I gather you don't follow Rugby?
29721 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 16:11
Hi pigale
Good to have you back - we've missed you.
As you may well know, rugby (union) is my favourite sport. I really enjoyed us beating the All Blacks last weekend. I just wonder if we can ever play that well again!
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29th October 2019, 16:28
Hi Chris,

Good to be back! Thank you.

You may well be able to achieve this performance again now that
you have a Southern Hemisphere coach - At least he taught
the British team to respect the Haka.....!

But I really was disappointed with the Wales-SA result - only
because of a penalty towards the end of the game, that's tough!
29723 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 16:47
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I still visit Pine Cone.
It is very Christmassy there just now.
They have loads of Christmas stuff for sale!
No, I am not a rugby man.
I follow cycling, as you know, and horse racing, golf, and Alpine skiing.
That's plenty for me to take an interest in!

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29th October 2019, 16:55
Hey Rusty, I only like horse-racing when I can put a little bet!
The PMU, the French Official Betting Shop, has races every day
but particularly at the week-ends. I like putting a little bet on
Steeple Chase races! I was lucky years ago to have a big win on it,
all for the equivalent of a couple of pounds' bet!
29725 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 18:09
Hello, Pigale!
How lovely to see you back on the PCT!
We have missed you!
I have only just come home, so was unable to answer you earlier.
You have certainly been having a lot of computer problems.
I knew that there were difficulties in your area, but you sound to have had additional complications!
It is good that Jeremy is there to sort it all out for you!
I do not pretend to understand all the technicalities of uninstalling and reinstalling etc!
I am just glad for you that it now all works!
All is reasonably quiet here......we enjoyed our holiday, but it passed all too quickly!
A break is good though.
Very cold here....only 2C in the early mornings, and today has been damp.
How are your cats?
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29th October 2019, 18:24
Good evening, Rusty!
I could do with some of your good weather.
It has been damp here for most of the day.....and extremely cold!
I have not been home for long.....and am still thawing out!
My daughters are already talking about plans for Christmas .....
And BB has already written out his list for Santa Claus!!
We have been invited for Christmas lunch at our younger daughter's
house .
So that will be nice!
But's still only October!
I am not in Christmas mode just yet!
The young ones are still ringing the bell for Hallowe'en surprises!
29727 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 19:02
Hello, Pigale!
I bet on horses, too, now and again, but I love watching the racing.
I have no big wins, I'm afraid!
The bookie usually wins in the end!
29728 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 19:09
Hello Elle,

Nice to hear from you too! Yes, computer seems to be sorted out
now, at least it has been behaving perfectly all day today! Wonders
will never cease!

Good to know you had a nice, albeit short, holiday - I did wonder
at the time if the weather was being kind to you?

and yes, I am lucky that Jeremy is here and should stay for another
three weeks - he has not been able to work in the garden yet
(just to prepare it for Winter) as so far, the weather did not permit

I do think of you having to go out at the crack of dawn with your
dog at this time of the year! I bet she does not mind!
29729 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2019, 19:09
Good evening, Elle!
We had great weather all day, but it is cold now.
I may get into Christmas mode on Christmas Eve, when I collect my steak pie from the butcher!
Not interested in it until then, although it is hard to avoid!
29730 of 30765  -   Report This Post