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1st March 2018, 10:17
I don't know why Chris, but you have often mentioned places, food, and subjects which made me think the dates were of a certain era. Obviously I got that wrong :)
I passed my driving test 2 years before you took your 11+ :)
19381 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 10:43
Hi, Rusty!
There is no sign, looking out of the lounge window next to where I am sitting typing this, that I ever ventured forth into the garden earlier!
All traces of my footprints are long obliterated by fresh snow!
Have you yet been to Asda?
I am just checking that you are safely returned?
Did you manage to get a paper?
I am glad to hear that there has been a firm decision made about the closure of your schools.
At least Miss O does not have to drive around, looking for somewhere to offer her teaching skills! !
I've never heard such a ridiculous idea!
19382 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 12:36
Hello, Elle!
Our Red Alert for snow has passed.
Think we are in Amber mode, now.
I walked to ASDA, pretty much had the store to myself.
Just a few in.
Only the local paper on sale.
Their paper supplier will deliver much later than usual. The weather!
Snow could be much worse.
Only several inches on the ground.
The school closure decision was made at 6.30 this morning!
Parents are livid at the delay in being told.
I am not sure how Miss O can work from home, but that is what she said.
Prescription update !!!!
Chemist now has my repeat prescription from GP.
But....they do not have the medication in stock and neither does their warehouse.
So, their suggestion is that I collect it and try other chemists to see if they have it.
A wee bit of progress!
Very pleased with the girl in Lloyds, she has done her best chasing up the surgery etc.
19383 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 13:26
Hi, Rusty!
Whew! Dog and I have just done about a mile (I am estimating) around.....and around......the garden!
A far cry from our usual distance...but better then stagnating indoors!
My husband does not wish to drive anywhere with the local roads in their present condition (anyone seen a gritter?), and pavement walking for any great distance is not an option, as the ground is far too treacherous!
Our perambulations were good fun.
We walked and we played - and she ran - wrapped up like whatsisname, aka MM!
I wore my snow boots!
I have finished the 15 x 15 - all parsed too!
I will not comment yet, in case you have not started yours.
I thought it quite a nice one today?
I'm glad you are getting your prescription sorted out!
19384 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 13:54
Hello, Elle!
Except for the smaller side roads, our roads are not too bad.
Gritters and snowploughs doing a first-class job.
Pavements are not great but I managed fine on them.
Even the young mums with buggies are coping.
Hearing some of our shopping centres are closing at 2.30, and many shops did not open today.
Still snowing and quite windy.
I am pleased folk are heeding the advice from the Police.
So, we are coping, and there will be places much worse off.
Red Alert for snow in Ireland.
I did my puzzle on-line, but I find it a trauchle doing it that way.
I much prefer the paper version.
A fine puzzle, too!
19385 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 14:48
Hi, Rusty!
It would be very difficult indeed to push a buggy up our street at present!
The depth of the snow would clog the brakes, and it would not be possible to move!
I learned that from bitter experience in the past!
I am sure that once on the High Street, though, it would be a different matter....assuming that the snow would be more downtrodden.
I am imagining - although I have not yet been there - that the major roads are much clearer and more accessible than are our side streets.
When it snows, we live in a forgotten world!
There were a number of crossword clues that I especially liked.....2d, 10a, 6d, 23d 19d.....
I am not sure of the political correctness of 12a...."a trophy"?!
I shall need to add "trauchle" to my little black book...I take it, it mean a "bind"?
......a pest, a nuisance , hard work, monotonous , boring?
19386 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 15:09
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Just back from town - There is still snow and ice in places, but
the road going down to village centre is OK, and the pavement on
one side is permanently covered with tiny little gravel - probably because it is such a steep hill that they thought it may be safer at
all times.

It is just +4C at present, but someone was telling me that there
is a threat of black ice for tonight - probably wherever it has not
completely thawn. I misjudged the depth of snow in my garden
though, because when I walked to the gate, it looked more like
5 inches in places - probably nothing compared to your lot!

I can see you are all coping reasonably well? Yet more snow might
be on its way to you, as a present from us? What is your forecast?

Now Rusty, Ever since I subscribed to The Times digital pack on line, (had to since no paper available in the village, and also very costly!)
I don't like doing crosswords from the printed version.
I did print them initially, but now I find it much easier to do them
on line - everything is nicely positioned, grid on the left and
clues on the right, and the clue you are working on is highlighted -
It is facing me, and I do like it.
Every one to his own!
19387 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 15:54
Hello, Elle!
This Amber Alert is worse than the Red Alert.
Snow is relentlessly coming down and there is a strong wind!
I am home for the day.
I think I may text to my son later, to deter him from visiting this evening.
Do not want him out in that weather.
I will miss him though!
A "trauchle" is akin to a "scutter".
A "blooming awkward nuisance of a thing"!
I do not like unpleasant words in crosswords, but I think "atrophy" is OK.

Hello, Pigale!
No, I much prefer the crossword puzzle to be in the newspaper.
Not keen on the online version!
Our weather is not improving.
I think we will have to tolerate it for another day at least.
They are short of gas, too, with the usage going up due to the cold.
So, there may be reductions in supplies.
They say it will affect industry first, before domestic users.
19388 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 16:28
Hi, Rusty!
I have just had my second sortie into the garden!
You would think we - dog and I - are venturing forth on an arctic expedition!
No, seriously though, I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner....approximating a mile's walk every couple of hours is far more fun and surely better exercise - with fresh air thrown in - than running up and down stairs for exercise, for instance?
"Scutter" is also a new word for me?
It wasn't the word "atrophy" that I was objecting to....but the concept of a "young wife" being "a 'trophy' wife"....!
It will only take your son but five (?) minutes to reach you......
I am sure he will not want to miss on your chat?
I am in need of a coffee.....

Hello, Pigale !
Our major problem lies with the side streets and roads ( where we live!)
I expect the main roads are no doubt more or less clear with constant traffic passing through...but getting to a main road remains a bit of a problem.
As I will have mentioned before, I have yet to see a gritter in all the years I have lived down here!
Minus 3 at present.
19389 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2018, 16:39
Hello, Elle!
"A trophy" wife is a hideous term but it has been used a lot in the press in the last year or so, so I think the setter is OK using it.
My son will get home from work, wet and cold, and I think he would be better staying home by the fire rather than visiting me.
He would get wet and cold again in the few minutes walking here, then the same returning.
We shall see what he thinks, though.
19390 of 30765  -   Report This Post