Hello again,
I am only going by my experience of our chemists (well, pharmacists
really) here, in France; They carry just about every single medicine
there are on the market, and they replenish their stock as any
super-market would do - ie when stock is low, they order more
(now I don't know in which quantities though); only occasionally
do they run out of one product, usually because several patients
have come with similar prescriptions in the same day, and then,
depending as to whether you go in in morning or afternoon, the
product will be available to you by late afternoon or the next
day - more or less what Elle was saying about in her neck of the
I don't know how it all works in UK, whenever I had to have medicine there, I never had to wait, but here, chemists/pharmacists make
good money! it is a very, very lucrative business; and with many
French folks being keen on taking medicine for this, that and the
other, the stock never stays on the shelves very long!
Another thing is that if, in a village like here, there are two chemists,
if one runs out of a particular product, they phone their colleague
and if it is available, one of the staff goes and collect it, so you can
either wait in the shop, or go and do some shopping and it is
waiting for you upon your return.
I hope you get your problem sorted out soon - how is your weather
Elle, Are you snowed under ? it is still falling here, but miniature
flakes - roads may be treacherous overnight nonetheless, but i
reckon it will all be gone by lunchtime tomorrow - when I need to
walk down town - but by then, we should have sun and Plus 9C !