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28th February 2018, 13:08
rusty I didn't know I even had a pollen filter. I must look at the manual.

Pigale I know Jazz car is brilliant, and rusty and Ros say that jazzy potatoes are good. Beyond that, well .......

Pigale, I used to pull muscles in my back often , and spent unnecessary time and money at a chiropractor. It was a waste of time. A physio then told me the secret to a good back and this works. Believe me.
The tip: Every time you bend down, exhale ( go limp like a rag doll And if you are picking something up from the floor, raise one leg behind you, as golfers do for good reason.
Every time you stand up, from a chair, or from bending down, inhale.
This does put any strain on the back:

Down and out
Up and in

19341 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 13:10
Good day, Pigale!
It is quite cold here, too.
Minus 2, my car indicated!
Side roads are not good here.
Must drive with care!
Minus 11 is very cold.
Not had it as cold as that here, for a while!
I do not know if my optometrist can write prescriptions (my dentist does) but it was a note he wrote for me to give to GP to write the prescription, so that may suggest he can not?
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28th February 2018, 13:16
Hello, Jazzgirl!
The pollen filter is behind the glove box.
Very easy to change.
My receptionist fitted a new one for me.
Once the part was delivered from the motor factor, it took her 2 or 3 minutes to replace, (and that was gossiping to me while she did it!).
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28th February 2018, 13:21
Hello rusty
Manual is in front of me. Pages 317/318 says the filter is behind the glove box. I can replace it by removing the tray box by pulling the 3 tabs.

i wonder what else I have in the car that I have not used.
Many thanks :)
19344 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 13:32
Thanks for the tip(s) Jazzy, I will certainly try it, but I am not sure
it will make any difference to two slightly displaced vertebrae - I think
you call it 'slipped vertebrae' in English. And to this there is
no treatment I am afraid;
I damaged one of them when trying to help lift the trunk of a fallen
tree - dead tree but heavy nonetheless - a rather stupid thing to do!
Then I damaged the second one, (on an already fragile back) when
looking after my husband towards the end of his life, when he suffered
from bad bed sores which had to be treated twice a day. He had
no strength to help me in any way and was therefore a dead weight.

Then the fall last Summer was the final straw!
But hey, there is worse suffering on this earth - unfortunately!
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28th February 2018, 13:37
I understand your situation, so no heavy lifting and take great care.
But if you ever have to bend down or pick up something, the breathing tips will be of help. One of those "litter-picker" sticks is a good aid.
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28th February 2018, 13:43
Good afternoon Rusty!

I hope you don't have to drive again in these bad conditions;

Yes, it does sound as though your optometrist cannot write

I know there are differences in the way things are done in France
and in the UK as far as prescriptions etc are concerned.

Also, whenever we go and see a specialist of whatever kind, he
has a long chat with us at the end of his consultation, shows us
the Xrays, MRI or whatever test was done and comments them
with us, so we don't have to wait to see our GP to know and
understand what is wrong - We take any written report and documents back home with us, and our GP is only sent copies of them.

It is our right to ask for our complete dossier when in hospital too.

I like to be told what is happening inside my own body!

I think the worst of our cold spell has passed, and the minuses should raise from now on!

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28th February 2018, 14:10
Hi, Rusty!
Our pharmacist can order a drug in the morning, and it usually be there by teatime!
Or at the very worst, by lunch time the next day.
I expect yours will be similar.
I'm quite surprised that your schools are open?
Local schools round us, and also where my daughter lives, are all closed; as are the nurseries.
She herself is working from home today, as she always does on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but she now has the boys there with her.
Fortuitously, their father is home , too, as the College, where he teaches, is also closed because of the adverse weather.
So he is "in charge" of the two boys!
I have no doubt but that they are building a snowman!
Do you need to go and pick up Miss L-B?
Or will she get the bus again to come home ?

Hello, Pigale!
It sounds a (somewhat) similar system to what we have here?
It is the hospital Consultant - or one of his team- who gives the patient the results; shows him/ her any Scans / Xrays / blood test reports etc/ and offers a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
The only difference is that the patient at no time has possession of his /her documentation.
That remains on hospital premises.
A written report of what has been found and decided upon, will go later to the GP.
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28th February 2018, 14:10
Hello, Pigale!
We have been upgraded to a Red Warning of heavy snow from 3.00 today!
Red means "danger to life"!
Just hope my granddaughters get home safely from work!
It does not appear as if my optometrist can issue prescriptions going by my experience of the last few days.
That appears to be an excellent system regarding consultants that you have in France.
I am a big fan of our NHS, but I have not been under any other system.
Hope your cold spell is on the way out!
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28th February 2018, 14:21
Hello, Elle!
As far as I know our schools are open, but remember Miss O teaches in Perth, which may be different to Dundee, though both are in Tayside Region.
But, we have just been issued a Red Warning for snow, from 3 p.m., so I would imagine the schools will be closed tomorrow.
I suspect Mum or Dad will collect La Bamba.
I would happily do it though.
It was news to me that she got a bus!
She could maybe walk home, it is a fifteen minute walk, all downhill, but I would not let her walk in the dark, and a lot of it is through unlit parkland.
Not a sound idea!
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