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28th February 2018, 11:43
Hello, Elle!
I am just home, but may have to go out again!
Roads not good around here.
I am piggy in the middle it seems, between my optometrist who has prescribed eye gel for dry eyes, my GP receptionist who say chemist should order it from them, and chemist who say it is GP's job.
That is, to have it on repeat prescription.
I agree with chemist!
Not a good start to the day, and I could do without driving about trying to get it sorted out, in these road conditions!
But I was in Gregg's bakers too, and bought some treats!
I like Gregg's!

Hello Jazzgirl,
My wee Jazz started instantly.
I replaced the battery not long after I bought the car, though.
Hopefully yours will burst into life, too!
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28th February 2018, 11:49
Good Morning all!

I feel sorry for you and your snow! It is certainly very beautiful to
look at and personnally I do enjoy walking in it, but so long as there
is no ice underneath two layers!
Be careful if any of you do have to go out!

In a way, very selfishly since I do not have to go out, I wish we had had snow overnight - it would have been less cold!

Here, I think we had the coldest night ever!
Minus 11C outside town centres apparently! I had two very warm winter duvets on me, and did feel lovely and warm - but I must admit to sleeping with my window (and shutters) partially opened (not much though!) - can't sleep without fresh air on my nose.
I believe your bedroom window stays opened too Elle?

As far as exercising is concerned, I have to be careful not to do
certain movements since my back is so fragile - but I find
pushing the hoover a very good way to keep warm!
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28th February 2018, 11:58
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that you are safely back in one piece!
But not so good if you have to go out again?
What a taradiddle about your eye drops!
I am surprised that the optometrist did not give you a prescription or a letter to hand it to your GP?
The GP would then automatically issue further (repeat) prescriptions - and you would get the drops free of charge!
That is the procedure here, in our locality.
I hope you get it sorted...can you not telephone the doctor?
Mind you, it was a good excuse for the treats......
Go on, torment me with the thought......what "goodies" did you buy?
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28th February 2018, 12:02
Hello rusty
I am just back home. My little Jazz started instantly too. Brilliant little car. The roads are not too bad here, but I had to clear 4 inches of snow off the car roof before I drove off (no garage, just a driveway)

Off to cook dinner - Norwegian Salmon and Charlotte (not jazzy) potatoes
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28th February 2018, 12:04
I am surprised - can't the optometrist write prescriptions himself?
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28th February 2018, 12:12
Hello, Elle!
My optometrist gave me note for GP to write prescription.
I handed note in to surgery and collected prescription yesterday.
Collected the medication today and discovered only enough for 5 days.
Phoned surgery and they said it is chemist's job to order repeats.
Phoned chemist and they say it is GP's job to prescribe a repeat.
Chemist is going to phone surgery in an attempt to sort it out!
I hope to hear from chemist later today.
Bit of a rigmarole up to now!
I got custard doughnuts and a sausage roll at Gregg's!
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28th February 2018, 12:16
Hi Rusty, Elle and Jazzy!

Am I to conclude that anything named 'Jaz' or 'Jazzy' is good -
Potatoes, cars, ........? :)
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28th February 2018, 12:38
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I see, Rusty!
Well, it all sounds pretty standard to begin's the repeat prescription part that seems to be the problem?
Here, we notify the GP that we need a repeat prescription......he emails it to the chemist...and then we trot along 24 hours later to collect the medication from said chemist.
Or if need be , the meds can be delivered to the door.
I do hope it gets sorted, without your needing to go out again in these treacherous conditions.
I don't like custard.......can we have jam or apple doughnuts in future?
I like sausage rolls though!
Did Miss O get to school all right this morning?
Or are the schools closed because of the snow?

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, our bedroom window remains open (to varying degrees) whatever the weather!
The only time we close the window in our bedroom is if we go away on holiday!
Mind you, it wasn't minus11 here.......only minus 3....
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28th February 2018, 12:49
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Well done, the wee Jazz!
I like mine too.
For a wee while I had steamed up windows after I bought it, and I mentioned it to my garage receptionist (she is a fully trained car mechanic) and she suggested changing the pollen filter, as a soggy filter is a known cause of steamy windows.
On you go, I told her, and the filter was replaced and been perfect ever since!
I had a book about Norwegian salmon fishing in Victorian and Edwardian times.
It was a great read!
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28th February 2018, 13:02
Hello, Elle!
My thoughts are, "what on earth is the point of only supplying a 5 day supply of medicine if it is going to be on repeat?"
I am sure between them, the chemist and surgery will sort it out!
Another problem is the chemist does not have any more in stock anyway!!!
My repeats are sent to chemist by surgery, after the chemist requests them, I think that's how it works.
I turn up at chemist every 2 months to collect them.
A great system....when it works!
Miss O is at work today.
She texted saying the main road to Perth was fine.
Miss La Bamba left her car at home and took the bus to work today!
Gregg's is a great shop and always busy, which is a good sign!
19340 of 30765  -   Report This Post