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1st March 2018, 17:00
Hello again Rusty and Elle,

Will this gas shortage affect your heating?
Here, there are some central heatings that run on gas, but a lot
run on fuel; I am not sure what it is like in your neck of the woods -
I remember that we were all electric, cooker and heating - no
choice in Guernsey!

Elle, I'll see what I can do about sending you a few degrees so that,
at least, you get above 0 C.
We may have some freezing rain overnight though -

Good idea to run around and around and around........ but careful,
you might get dizzy!
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1st March 2018, 18:49
Hi, Rusty!
I expect you will be chatting to your son, if he is coming to visit,
But I thought I would just remind you about the Indoor Athletics World Championships - and of course, Laura.
They start very shortly at 7 o'clock - on BBC2 , or maybe also on EuroSport......and go on till 9 pm
You might wish to record.......if you are going to be talking ?

Hello, Pigale!
Well, our central heating is certainly by gas.
But I think domestic users will probably be "safe"
I heard on the radio that commercial users will be first at risk.
I'm only walking round the garden!
I do change direction! Don't worry , I shan't get dizzy!
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1st March 2018, 21:40
Hello, Elle!
My son texted to me saying they were going to cinema tonight and he would not visit.
Ten minutes later he texted to tell me the cinemas were closed and he would be down as normal!
We watched the World Track Cycling Championships from Apeldoorn.
Silver for Trotty and girls in women's pursuit.
Gold for Ed Clancy and team in the men's race.
I'll have to find Laura's race somewhere!
Still snowing and windy.
Our Amber Warning for snow has been extended to Monday.
Not so good!
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1st March 2018, 21:47
Update, Elle!
Just watched Laura's run.
I think she did very well, considering her less than ideal preparation for the race.
She has been doing 12 hour night shifts at the animal hospital.
She is the biz!
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1st March 2018, 22:01
Hi, Rusty!
We are on a Yellow warning now..... downgraded from Amber.
We have had no more snow for a few hours now, but what is there appears to be freezing.
I think we are looking at a potentially worse situation tomorrow.
BB's school was closed after all!
I think the additional snow overnight changed the headmaster's mind!
The school will also be closed tomorrow.
Yet YB's nursery was open........
Where is the logic and consistency?
The Cycling Championships went was good that you and your son could watch it together.
Yes, Laura did great.
Her first global medal!
Bronze in the 3000m.
And she almost made Silver!
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1st March 2018, 22:20
Hello, Elle!
BB's headmaster was a bit slow in closing the school?
Parents have to make plans etc.
The Dundee schools closures were announced at 6.30 this morning.
Some parents would have left for work by then.
Not good at all.
The cycling was very good.
Pity it clashes with the Athletics Championships.
It was on Red Button.
Laura was super!
All the work she does for her studies and her athletics training.
An example to many of what can be achieved.
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1st March 2018, 22:57
Hi, Rusty!
Mmm, I don't know what happened about the previous plans of the headmaster to open BB's school today from 10 am to 2.30 pm?
I do not know how the system works?
Whether the Head can make his own decisions?
Or whether this was an edict on high from the local Council?
My daughter texted me.... I haven't spoken to her personally today.
I shall enquire tomorrow!
I wonder how Laura will fare in the 1500m tomorrow?
She will be up against the same big names as she faced today...... Genzebe Dibaba, Sifan Hassan and Helen Obiri .
Fingers crossed for her!
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2nd March 2018, 00:22
Hello, Elle!
For the life of me, I could not understand the head wanting to open the school for only part of the day?
Makes no sense.
I suspect someone has had a word with him!
I hope to see Laura run tomorrow.
Must find out the times she runs, and see which cycling races are on and work something out.
And, I have cut my hair.
Long overdue!
19398 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2018, 08:17
A very good morning to you, Rusty!
Well, we have had no fresh snow overnight, although locally we are forecast ten hours of it later.
I believe the temperature has risen to minus 1!
What is like in your neck of the woods?
I'm thinking that BB's headmaster had in mind the later opening and closing hours, should the school have functioned , as giving teachers and parents ( and children) time to get there and home again under difficult conditions?
I thought it a good would surely have helped working mums to put in at least a limited day.
However, it was not to be.
There are two spells of Athletics on BBC 2 today.
One session starting at 9 am. till 1.45 pm., the other at 5.50 pm running till 10 pm.
According to my TV guide, the 1500m is in the later session, but it doesn't give a specific time.
I hope this helps a little?
Well done on cutting your hair!
19399 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2018, 08:58
Good morning, Elle!
No change here.
Snowing and windy.
Just reading online that the Army is being used to get hospital staff to work in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
I think BB's headmaster should listen to the advice given about unnecessary travel in these conditions and act accordingly.
What if any of these children were involved in accidents trying to get to school in hazardous conditions?
I am staying home.
No point in walking to ASDA if there are no paper deliveries getting through.
Yes, I took a mad turn and got stuck into my hair cut!
Now, I have noticed that my eyebrows look a bit overgrown so shall tackle them and hopefully look reasonably kempt for a while!
19400 of 30765  -   Report This Post