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Old DM cryptic 6 darleydave 3rd January 2018, 06:34
» by mattrom
Help with sports crossword 38 greenrover 2nd January 2018, 22:58
» by shooty
Chequered flag crossword 4 diana1950 2nd January 2018, 22:30
» by shooty
Polymath 950 6 cresson 2nd January 2018, 21:40
» by brendan
Help please with Chequered flag crossword 11 tobyd 2nd January 2018, 21:21
» by tobyd
Alpha puzzle 4 yidreg77 2nd January 2018, 19:25
» by yidreg77
Clueless 352 4 pigale 2nd January 2018, 17:25
» by chrise
Clueless participants 2 skyewalker 2nd January 2018, 17:13
» by skyewalker
Make up a Name 20 rays 2nd January 2018, 16:29
» by mamya
funday Tuesday, daily record 2 beth 2nd January 2018, 16:02
» by beth
irish times chequered flag crossword 55 diana1950 2nd January 2018, 14:44
» by borued
DT prize 480 no 19A 3 geoff marbella 2nd January 2018, 12:42
» by shooty
i Cryptic 2153 5 diablos 2nd January 2018, 12:24
» by diablos
Saturday Times 26,922 4 hal o the wynd 2nd January 2018, 12:19
» by rozbogs
Wee Stinker 8 olorin 2nd January 2018, 10:20
» by mildred
Frustrating RTE Guide Christmas Crossword 4 tonta 2nd January 2018, 09:26
» by rossim
Times 1302 Cryptic 5 ftsalmon 2nd January 2018, 07:57
» by malone
DM cryptic 2 darleydave 2nd January 2018, 07:07
» by mattrom
Fiction 3 epsh42 2nd January 2018, 06:51
» by brendan
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1301 16 dandhh 2nd January 2018, 00:37
» by shooty
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