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I have a few clues I just can't crack left over, so any help welcome. 4 jollymixture 4th January 2018, 17:05
» by jollymixture
help with link word 2 snoopy 4th January 2018, 16:38
» by chrise
@jolan 3 chrise 4th January 2018, 14:55
» by mamya
Times jumbo cryptic 1302, 8 down 5 themadwomanintheattic 4th January 2018, 13:42
» by shooty
Guardian Genius 175 19 jack aubrey 4th January 2018, 13:12
» by notrab
Water related 1 susie 4th January 2018, 11:45
» by quiztime
i Cryptic 2155 9 diablos 4th January 2018, 11:25
» by diablos
RT 2 5 mondrian 4th January 2018, 10:22
» by mondrian
EV 1311 17 jigjag 4th January 2018, 07:50
» by gazzar
Alpha puzzle 20 yidreg77 3rd January 2018, 22:02
» by malone
RTE Guide No 2 ~ Rosebud 3 cartana 3rd January 2018, 21:11
» by malone
Harpers 2018-01 puzzle 3 syzygy 3rd January 2018, 19:32
» by syzygy
The Final Whistle Sunday Indo. Xmas 2017 10 realrocker1 3rd January 2018, 16:52
» by rusty
The answer to these are nationalities e.g. Swiss, Swedish 4 jollymixture 3rd January 2018, 16:28
» by jollymixture
cryptic 1301 6 cedric 3rd January 2018, 16:23
» by cedric
S.M.I.L.E. ..... COME DINE WITH ME 3 itsme 3rd January 2018, 15:18
» by itsme
I cryptic 1 thomas 3rd January 2018, 13:17
» by stevie gee
The Chase 13 rossim 3rd January 2018, 12:40
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2154 7 diablos 3rd January 2018, 12:35
» by diablos
Answers up to Clueless 352 and Peer Review 314 0 pigale 3rd January 2018, 12:34
» by pigale
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