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LINKWORD 4 rays 5th January 2018, 14:03
» by rays
Tools and Small machines Quiz 2 sqizz 5th January 2018, 13:37
» by sqizz
Clueless 352 2nd go! 49 pigale 5th January 2018, 12:15
» by therogue
Times 26926 4 blarney 5th January 2018, 12:06
» by elle
F T crossword 3 april 5th January 2018, 11:45
» by stevie gee
I cryptic 2 thomas 5th January 2018, 11:43
» by thomas
bugs or insects 1 quizmad 5th January 2018, 11:18
» by rossim
DM's World's Smallest, Hardest Crossword 6 rocketman 5th January 2018, 11:14
» by elle
Oldie 356 23 Across 1 dobbo 5th January 2018, 10:07
» by dobbo
i Cryptic 2156 7 diablos 5th January 2018, 10:03
» by diablos
Managed, rather like Lear 5 jollymixture 5th January 2018, 08:48
» by jollymixture
Sydney Morning Herald 30/9/17 compiler DS 2 jamek 5th January 2018, 03:23
» by jamek
Chequered Flag Xword 8 virgil 4th January 2018, 23:55
» by virgil
Chequered Flag Crossword 9 fitzschris 4th January 2018, 22:24
» by rusty
Alphapuzzle 9 buzzardgirl 4th January 2018, 22:01
» by buzzardgirl
Times Jumbo 1302 cryptic 9 bigdave1954 4th January 2018, 21:45
» by shooty
i cryptic 19 thomas 4th January 2018, 21:44
» by malone
crossword 2. TRE Guide 4 laurel 4th January 2018, 21:21
» by shooty
Christmas quiz, pesky but fun clues 8 jollymixture 4th January 2018, 20:39
» by jollymixture
cryptic clues to pop groups 7 quizmad 4th January 2018, 17:06
» by quizmad
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