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ST 4320 one left 2 fannymf 16th March 2009, 12:16
» by fannymf
Times Jumbo Crossword 804 Cryptic 2 rob 16th March 2009, 11:58
» by rob
Saturday Times 24,173 2 joanne 16th March 2009, 09:38
» by joanne
sun times 4230 1 lorraine 16th March 2009, 07:20
» by glwadys
SatDT25876 2 gerald 15th March 2009, 23:04
» by gerald
Really, really struggling - help! 1 ray 15th March 2009, 22:13
» by simon
Times jumbo cryptic 804 7 trevor 15th March 2009, 20:51
» by patsyann
Times 24173 21 d. 1 joe 15th March 2009, 19:04
» by joe
Times Jumbo Cryptic 803 2 marnie 15th March 2009, 17:55
» by marnie
i have five answas i realy need,please help? 11 kerry 15th March 2009, 17:26
» by matty
Times Cryptic 803 2 marnie 15th March 2009, 17:08
» by marnie
DT25,876 Help needed with last two please 5 peter 15th March 2009, 12:05
» by peter
Irish News Crossword 18 phil 15th March 2009, 11:58
» by ged
Times Jumbo Cryptic 801... explanation please 5 jonny 14th March 2009, 20:55
» by jonny
D Tel. 25,876 . 14 March 2 marion 14th March 2009, 18:45
» by marion
DT 25,876 3 claire 14th March 2009, 18:11
» by claire
DT 25876 6 cici 14th March 2009, 17:35
» by paul
DT 25876 2 bella 14th March 2009, 16:03
» by robert
DT25876 3 mike 14th March 2009, 15:53
» by mike
RTE Guide No. 11 4 helbar 14th March 2009, 13:20
» by helbar
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