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Daily Mail 24 March 2 mastro 24th March 2009, 14:30
» by mastro
Times Jumbo 805 - Cryptic 3 andrew 24th March 2009, 12:33
» by andrew
Sunday Times Crossword 4321 2 barbara 24th March 2009, 12:22
» by barbara
Monday Herald 2 dib 24th March 2009, 09:49
» by tibby
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 23rd March 2009, 22:59
» by big dave
rt13 5 lesley jones 23rd March 2009, 22:26
» by lesley jones
wee stinker 3 pam 23rd March 2009, 19:02
» by pam
DT 25882 6 alex 23rd March 2009, 17:57
» by robert
Mature Times Xword March 1 phuese 23rd March 2009, 15:29
» by jimc
Times Crossword 24,179 3 paula 23rd March 2009, 10:47
» by trevor
DT 25,822 10Across 6 zaphod 23rd March 2009, 09:16
» by zaphod
DT 25,882 8 clearwater 22nd March 2009, 21:47
» by caravaggio
1a..stuck 6 brian 22nd March 2009, 21:37
» by robert
sundy mail prize 1 angi 22nd March 2009, 19:42
» by shottsjimmy
Times Jumbo Cryptic 805 2 jonny 22nd March 2009, 19:13
» by jonny
Sevendays magazine 1 violet 22nd March 2009, 18:40
» by jonny
times crossword 24,179 9 trevor 22nd March 2009, 17:20
» by trevor
Times 805 4 confused 22nd March 2009, 17:11
» by jerry
scottish sunday mail 1 tmac1968 22nd March 2009, 17:08
» by gjd
TJ 805 1 patsyann 22nd March 2009, 15:12
» by jonny
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