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Stuck 6 phil 21st February 2009, 17:23
» by phil
A few more! 3 phil 21st February 2009, 17:16
» by trevor
DT 25,858 3 liz 21st February 2009, 16:42
» by brian
DT 25,858 1 lynna 21st February 2009, 16:16
» by lynna
Saturday Times 24,155 4 diana 21st February 2009, 15:52
» by fred
Any ideas please- all answers must contain a colour! 18 dipstick 20th February 2009, 23:14
» by paulinep
urgent help 14 jonny t 20th February 2009, 18:49
» by paulinep
DT 25,857 - paper version 2 lea 20th February 2009, 18:28
» by lea
The Week 634 3 wombat 20th February 2009, 18:20
» by wombat
The Week 633 12 marnie 20th February 2009, 18:16
» by wombat
Times Jumbo Crossword 800 5 robert harries 20th February 2009, 17:21
» by robert harries
times2jumbo 800 1 bobbyvee 20th February 2009, 10:53
» by kena
Sunday Times Cryptic 2 jim 20th February 2009, 08:32
» by jim
Focus xword 99 - Pigs & rats! 2 captkev 19th February 2009, 18:36
» by captkev
cant read clues 5 mrs t 19th February 2009, 16:26
» by robert
Gazette 1 h 19th February 2009, 15:50
» by kena
Mr potentate head 1 herzog 19th February 2009, 14:52
» by jerry
Help 2 addo 19th February 2009, 14:44
» by addo
State expanded annually (12) 2 tim steele 19th February 2009, 09:58
» by tim steele
RT9 - 'e' or 's' ?? 3 deekay 18th February 2009, 18:03
» by deekay
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