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Topic Replies Started by Last post
DT25870 2 steve l 7th March 2009, 14:20
» by steve l
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 7 pooksahib 7th March 2009, 14:12
» by madmags
DT25864 Stuck on last three 5 peter 7th March 2009, 10:26
» by brian
Express Friday 1 ray 7th March 2009, 09:14
» by greg
DT 25869 2 ezekiel 7th March 2009, 00:11
» by ezekiel
The Week 636 9 wombat 6th March 2009, 22:43
» by g
one of mr men lives here 1 j.oakey 6th March 2009, 17:19
» by john (from arran)
sick chick 0 j.oakey 6th March 2009, 14:32
» by j.oakey
no waiting allowed. 0 j.oakey 6th March 2009, 14:30
» by j.oakey
Cryptic Clue 7 g 6th March 2009, 13:13
» by alan
local cryptic 1 nigelt 6th March 2009, 13:01
» by nigelt
Micky 0 xfan 6th March 2009, 09:10
» by xfan
More Cryptic 3 g 6th March 2009, 08:45
» by jimc
Stuck! 3 linda 5th March 2009, 22:50
» by john (from arran)
ST4318 1 carol 5th March 2009, 19:40
» by john (from arran)
Cryptic 3 g 5th March 2009, 19:35
» by john (from arran)
Cryptic Jumbo 802 3 rebecca 5th March 2009, 19:31
» by rebecca
Any botanists who like anagrams out there? 2 john 5th March 2009, 18:16
» by john
Help 1 ron 5th March 2009, 16:39
» by john (from arran)
Cryptic 4 g 5th March 2009, 16:10
» by g
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