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REALLY stuck this week! 2 poppy 14th March 2009, 12:09
» by big dave
RTE guide 11 0 helbar 14th March 2009, 11:45
» by helbar
Times jumbo cryptic 803 5 trevor 13th March 2009, 18:37
» by trevor
daily star 13th help 2 richard 13th March 2009, 16:51
» by richard peter ford
The Week 636 4 julia 13th March 2009, 16:33
» by julia
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 13th March 2009, 15:21
» by jimc
local xword 2 bull 13th March 2009, 14:14
» by bull
local xword 2 bull 13th March 2009, 11:23
» by bull
ST Mephisto 2532 11 jerry 12th March 2009, 19:52
» by jimc
mos prize crossword 5 krisstoff 12th March 2009, 17:05
» by krisstoff
Mephisto 2532 3 anna 12th March 2009, 10:11
» by big dave
The Week 636 2 marnie 12th March 2009, 08:54
» by marnie
rt12 1 lesley 12th March 2009, 07:14
» by caravaggio
99 Down but 11 To Go 23 simon burton 11th March 2009, 15:22
» by simon burton
Layman 2 ian 11th March 2009, 11:37
» by ian
digital phot mag crossword 3 fred 11th March 2009, 10:43
» by brenda
mephisto 2532 4 lucy 11th March 2009, 07:21
» by lucy
Local Crossword 2 nigelt 11th March 2009, 00:44
» by trevor
Daily Mail 10 March 3 control 10th March 2009, 22:57
» by control
need this to finish 2 sue w 10th March 2009, 20:42
» by sue w
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