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S. Times 4320 - just one to get 6 robert 19th March 2009, 13:21
» by trevor
mephisto 2533 10 shottsjimmy 19th March 2009, 08:01
» by jimc
RT13 9 xfan 18th March 2009, 23:30
» by andrew
dm 4 graham 18th March 2009, 21:11
» by jimc
telegraph codeword 1 bull 18th March 2009, 18:03
» by big dave
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 8 pooksahib 18th March 2009, 12:34
» by bees
RT12 20 philip 17th March 2009, 23:55
» by roger
times jumbo 804, times 2 clues 8 anna 17th March 2009, 19:20
» by anna
mos lancelot. 3 krisstoff 17th March 2009, 17:47
» by jimc
mos lancelot crossword. 2 krisstoff 17th March 2009, 17:10
» by krisstoff
sir lancelot crossword 4 sheila 17th March 2009, 17:08
» by krisstoff
Rail mag 4 wendy 17th March 2009, 16:03
» by wendy
mos crossword 4 krisstoff 17th March 2009, 14:41
» by krisstoff
mos crossword 2 krisstoff 17th March 2009, 14:28
» by trevor
Guardian prize #24647 - 14 Mar 2009 3 joan cleeks 17th March 2009, 14:01
» by joan cleeks
sunday times 4320 3 dj_tanktop 17th March 2009, 10:15
» by jimp
Scotsman 2813 3 jamoza 17th March 2009, 09:39
» by jamoza
mos 25 down to finish 2 suew 16th March 2009, 20:59
» by suew
MoS you magazine No 1117 3 helen 16th March 2009, 16:21
» by helen
The Week 637 3 roo 16th March 2009, 14:43
» by roo
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