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Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 26th March 2009, 19:27
» by jimc
Times 24,183 3 jerry 26th March 2009, 18:02
» by jerry
The Week 638 7 wombat 26th March 2009, 16:18
» by trevor
Times Jumbo Crossword 805 Cryptic 11 rob 26th March 2009, 14:56
» by big dave
another from same crossword 2 alan 26th March 2009, 12:54
» by alan
Times Jumbo 805 Cryptic 3 marnie 26th March 2009, 12:08
» by big dave
Sunday Times 4321 2 marnie 26th March 2009, 11:59
» by marnie
jumbo 805-48A 3 deb 26th March 2009, 03:05
» by deb
It's Greek to me! 16 crosswordposition 25th March 2009, 23:23
» by jimc
ST 4321 help needed 2 carol 25th March 2009, 20:11
» by carol
mos lancelot 2 krisstoff 25th March 2009, 18:36
» by krisstoff
Times Today 2 des 25th March 2009, 18:34
» by des
lancelot mos 0 krisstoff 25th March 2009, 17:34
» by krisstoff
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 25th March 2009, 17:03
» by xfan
lancelot x-word, MOS. 1 krisstoff 25th March 2009, 16:47
» by trevor
Sunday Times Mephisto 2534 3 cath 25th March 2009, 15:04
» by cath
mos prize crossword 2 krisstoff 25th March 2009, 14:09
» by krisstoff
Help !! Private Eye No 387 2 tony 25th March 2009, 14:05
» by tony
ST4321 3 robert 24th March 2009, 23:03
» by robert
daily mail 17A today 2 micky 24th March 2009, 17:43
» by micky
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