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You magazine 2 violet 22nd March 2009, 14:20
» by violet
Times Jumbo Cryptic 805 2 jonny 22nd March 2009, 13:56
» by jonny
times jumbo 805......, times 2 clues 2 katie 22nd March 2009, 11:51
» by katie
DT 25,882 7 claire 22nd March 2009, 11:44
» by robert
Sunday telegraph GK 2 sal 22nd March 2009, 11:25
» by sal
DT 25882 0 magmac 22nd March 2009, 10:46
» by magmac
Choice magazine 3 sheila 22nd March 2009, 09:30
» by sheila
Stuck! 8 phil 21st March 2009, 19:18
» by phil
Two parted Cryptic clue 17 g 21st March 2009, 18:25
» by trevor
Help!! 2 sally 21st March 2009, 17:55
» by sally
Is this rubbish or is it me? 6 pumpernickel 21st March 2009, 14:55
» by pumpernickel
Unscrupuious promotion 2 david 20th March 2009, 22:48
» by mike b
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 20th March 2009, 21:07
» by pooksahib
times jumbo 804 cryptic 3 marnie 20th March 2009, 19:11
» by marnie
Herald 2 doug 20th March 2009, 18:36
» by doug
who can help me solve this cryptic clue?? 4 jimmyjames 20th March 2009, 18:29
» by jimmyjames
telegraph quick 2 bull 20th March 2009, 14:06
» by bull
Guardian crossword 5 jean 20th March 2009, 11:48
» by big dave
help needed! 1 matty 19th March 2009, 17:06
» by kena
Saturday Times Jumbo 804, times2 clues 5 katie 19th March 2009, 16:39
» by katie
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