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Topic Replies Started by Last post
DT 25,888 15 john 29th March 2009, 16:44
» by bob
Times Cryptic 24185 3 jim 29th March 2009, 16:38
» by big dave
Everyman 3261 - last clue 2 mike 29th March 2009, 14:15
» by mike
Last Clue 2 dawn 29th March 2009, 13:55
» by big dave
SoS Qiuck Crossword 2 georgeg 29th March 2009, 13:03
» by georgeg
DT £500 prize crossword 3 elaine 29th March 2009, 00:53
» by trevor
Capital adventure 2 addo 28th March 2009, 22:59
» by jimb
telegraph prize crossword 25,888 12 ellen 28th March 2009, 19:05
» by brian
rte guide crossword no 13 3 helbar 28th March 2009, 10:03
» by big dave
Cryptic help - from New Zealand 7 raratoez 28th March 2009, 08:48
» by jerry
last few! 2 matty 28th March 2009, 00:15
» by trevor
RT13 5 suram 27th March 2009, 22:57
» by puzzled
Sunday Times Mephisto 2534 21 jerry 27th March 2009, 21:00
» by bob
Colossus 208 3 joba 27th March 2009, 20:12
» by jimc
DT 25887 5 pauline 27th March 2009, 18:11
» by pauline
Help 3 jane 27th March 2009, 17:36
» by jane
crossword 2 alan 27th March 2009, 13:06
» by alan
Crossword help 2 linja 27th March 2009, 12:54
» by linja
Times Jumbo 805 2 neil 27th March 2009, 11:21
» by trevor
lancelot crossword 20 krisstoff 26th March 2009, 19:52
» by trevor
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