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sunday mail 2 prize crossword 2 sheila 10th March 2009, 20:41
» by sheila
Everyman 3258 3 steve l 10th March 2009, 19:52
» by josie
Company 1 iain 10th March 2009, 18:48
» by jonny
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 10th March 2009, 18:30
» by pooksahib
Times 10/9/09 2 des 10th March 2009, 17:43
» by des
Scotland on Sunday 1070, 19 down 2 jamoza 10th March 2009, 17:25
» by jamoza
Sunday Times Crossword 7 diana 10th March 2009, 16:05
» by ged
Last one in the WEEK 636 2 chaz 10th March 2009, 15:32
» by chaz
Times Jumbo Crossword 802 8 rob 10th March 2009, 12:55
» by ged
ST 4319 4 cryptic triptic 9th March 2009, 20:15
» by pooksahib
DT 25870 5 pauline 9th March 2009, 16:20
» by big dave
Herald 2 doug 9th March 2009, 14:14
» by doug
Scotland on Sunday no.1070 4 georgeg 9th March 2009, 14:10
» by georgeg
Everyman 3258 5 steve l 9th March 2009, 12:15
» by steve l
everyman 3258 2 joe 9th March 2009, 11:38
» by steve l
saturday stumper 2 sheila 9th March 2009, 09:19
» by sheila
Lovatts demon 197 2 studio51 9th March 2009, 09:06
» by studio51
Mos C?W no: 1376 I need 2 clues to finish 3 rufina stephenson 9th March 2009, 00:36
» by mastro
sunday times crossword 1 lorraine 8th March 2009, 23:17
» by robert
sunday times crossword 2 lorraine 8th March 2009, 23:11
» by lorraine
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