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the week 28th march 09 12 roger batten 31st March 2009, 15:12
» by chaz
volleyball shot solver 2 jo 31st March 2009, 15:05
» by paulinep
Mephisto 2535 4 dan 31st March 2009, 14:39
» by jerry
Cryptic school assignment!! Help! 36 joe 31st March 2009, 14:29
» by paulinep
Sun Tel 2477 5 dcfc 31st March 2009, 11:53
» by jimb
charity quiz 3 lizzie 31st March 2009, 08:47
» by lizzie
ST Mephisto 2535 8 jerry 31st March 2009, 07:52
» by bob
Herald "Wee stinker" Mon 30th 5 bill 31st March 2009, 00:21
» by stinker enthusiast
Mos C/W no: 601 Your efforts greatly appreciated. 2 rufina stephenson 31st March 2009, 00:00
» by rufina stephenson
Herald "wee Stinker" Mon 30th 5 bill b. 30th March 2009, 21:39
» by bill b
Scotland on Sunday 1073 - Last one 3 john (from arran) 30th March 2009, 19:32
» by john (from arran)
more im stuck on 1 maureen 30th March 2009, 17:07
» by shottsjimmy
Herald "wee stiker" Mon 30th 2 bill 30th March 2009, 17:03
» by bill
Sunday Times No 4322 2 puzzled 30th March 2009, 16:59
» by robert
Really stuck 1 harry 30th March 2009, 16:46
» by kena
Crossword ? 1 barry 30th March 2009, 16:44
» by kena
Crossword 1 john 30th March 2009, 16:38
» by kena
Crossword 2 1 bert 30th March 2009, 16:36
» by kena
Symbol held in high regard? 1 gloria 30th March 2009, 16:35
» by kena
Crossword 2 maurenn 30th March 2009, 16:21
» by .maureen
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