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Today's Daily Mail - help please 2 ray 3rd April 2009, 18:06
» by ray
The Week 639 2 roo 3rd April 2009, 08:42
» by roo
Cryptic puzzle clues very difficult for a beginner 3 md 2nd April 2009, 23:05
» by md
Telegraph 25,892 8 dn 3 roger the dodger 2nd April 2009, 21:23
» by trevor
Radio Times 15 2 bees 2nd April 2009, 20:20
» by bees
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 2nd April 2009, 19:13
» by pooksahib
got it 0 roger the dodger 2nd April 2009, 17:16
» by roger the dodger
Very, very hard cryptic clues! 10 gingerhendry 2nd April 2009, 16:45
» by trevor
Times Crossword 24,188 3 trevor 2nd April 2009, 15:51
» by trevor
last clue! 2 chris york 2nd April 2009, 15:36
» by chris york
Cryptiuc 3 md 2nd April 2009, 13:35
» by md
RTE Guide 2 toastcake 2nd April 2009, 10:51
» by toastcake
Quiz question 1 linda 2nd April 2009, 10:40
» by caravaggio
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 6 pooksahib 1st April 2009, 18:52
» by pooksahib
Cryptic clues 7 gingerhendry 1st April 2009, 17:12
» by gingerhendry
Mephisto 2535 8 cath 1st April 2009, 16:02
» by jerry
RTE C/W No: 14 Hi folks i have one more to finish.... 1 rufina stephenson 1st April 2009, 06:52
» by caravaggio
DT 25888 8 gwen 31st March 2009, 17:59
» by big dave
mos lancelot 2 krisstoff 31st March 2009, 17:06
» by krisstoff
crossword mail on sunday 2 angi 31st March 2009, 15:30
» by krisstoff
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