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22nd March 2025, 17:58
Oofa doofa. I think this one might be beyond me. Three passes and only 5 answers. Will keep on plugging away
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22nd March 2025, 18:05
Hi, roof. 1d is rather complicated but is not an author. The definition is the last two words, and refers to the actual street. Three words must be reversed (upset) separately, not sequentially, around two words for “broadcasting.”
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22nd March 2025, 18:10
For 23a it is a Roman numeral split by a “retired” Limerick man, Limerick here meaning the verse form. Once you get that, 7d is a very prominent 23 from the past.
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22nd March 2025, 18:41
The Aussie slang clue is 14, but IMO it's gettable w/o knowing the slang.
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22nd March 2025, 19:03
Thanks everyone

I'd managed to get 1d and 14ac (never heard that slang word before. But I have four left including 1d, 16ac, 20ac and 15d. I've looked at the letters for 16ac but haven't managed to find words that would fit the parsing. I've just got 20ac.

There are several I can't fully parse (5d, 1ac - where does the sixth letter come from?, 21ac - the first four letters, and 24ac).

I'll keep at it, though my husband tells me dinner is soon.
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22nd March 2025, 19:18
The middle letter in 1a is from tense.
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22nd March 2025, 19:22
... and I finished just as my husband is serving up dinner.

FOI 8d, LOI 7d once i'd got all the crossers, COD 25ac, despite not knowing the place and 18/19.

Be back next week when I hope it is a bit easier.
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22nd March 2025, 19:23
Remember Enigmatist likes to use a lot of misdirection. Man is not necessarily a person; duty may not mean what you think at first. And so on.
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22nd March 2025, 19:46
Started without much enthusiasm as I knew this would be difficult and it was .
I am delighted to have finished with help from forum. I may have to add Enigmatist to my list of favourites ! FOI was the obvious 9a ,LOI 5d COD loved 25a but 6d was close second. Found some of parsing impossible eg 15d . I am a regular visitor to Australia but the Aussie slang word was new to me , must check with my son.
Also pleased to report that I was sure aware was the correct answer , thanks Pasquale and Jono.
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22nd March 2025, 19:51
15d is just a cryptic definition - think The sound of music.
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