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23rd March 2025, 12:34
My sense is that "daybreak" supplies double-duty as an indicator of both the rise and fracturing of the 3 letter word.
Similarly I think that the 2 letter insert represents an actual compound which is itself an example of an antifreeze agent.
Whether 'warming' is also an inclusion indicator or not...
91 of 127  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2025, 12:38
Enigmatist (John Henderson) is not Australian. He is a champion solver.
92 of 127  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2025, 16:04
Finished, using Crossword Solver a couple of times. Never heard of the Aussie slang in 14a, and can't parse the first 4 letters of 3d unless they in some way mean "perhaps"?

LOI 5d, and I'm assuming that its last 6 letters mean "a big hit" in some sporting circles. Or ... ?

CoD: perhaps the ingenious 6d. 8d is a neat anagram in a nice surface.
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23rd March 2025, 16:11
Continuing on 2d, I did wonder about a chemical element as per witless@91, but think I favour Brendan's explanation @26 for 2d - actually a very elegant construction, but tough tough tough! ...And it leaves 'is it' superfluous AFAICS.

Much in common with pamd, I have 3d, 4d, 5d and 14a still to complete. I'm presuming we have an Aussie tucked into the guy at the market but nothing's occurring to me.

Thanks to all on this forum. I had bottomed out with six answers when I came here earlier today.
94 of 127  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2025, 16:16
It's actually an Aussie slang word (which I had to Google) for a word in the clue that is also a slang word. Hardly a fair clue!
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23rd March 2025, 16:21
Ooh I have just seen another JH deviousness in the end of the wordplay for 14a.
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23rd March 2025, 16:26
pamd@93, 4d is a 5 letter anagram ('suspect') around a two letter 'cover'
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23rd March 2025, 17:07
I tend to agree, Chris. I didn't know the Aussie slang OR the British slang. Had to look up both in Chambers to confirm. I saw the entry easily with just a couple of crossers though, so I wouldn't say the clue is totally outrageous.
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23rd March 2025, 18:48
Hi darla. Why Roman? How does a Roman numeral get split? Relationship with Jerusalem?
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23rd March 2025, 18:57
Hi Djmparis,

I don't want it to seem like I'm speaking for Darla but I think he's saying the Roman nimeral is "couple" amid which the "Limerick man" is "enthralled".
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