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22nd March 2025, 09:42
2d - if, as appears, everyone seems to now think that those 2 letters suddenly do mean "it is", I'm at a loss to understand why and work out what's changed since a few hours ago - they just don't and no amount of verbal gymnastics is going to change that.
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22nd March 2025, 09:45
I meant "is it", obviously.
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22nd March 2025, 09:55
I have to say that I’m with you, Brendan, even though I think it’s the only possible parsing.
And I’m still not happy with either of the possible insertion indicators.
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22nd March 2025, 10:26
Thank you Rogissimo
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22nd March 2025, 10:35
I'm making progress, though slowly, but having Googled the explanation for 14a I'm tempted to give up!
I have unparsed answers pencilled in all over the place.
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22nd March 2025, 11:41
Rather to my surprise I have now filled in all the grid, though several are unparsed and may well be wrong!
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22nd March 2025, 11:59
Thanks rogissimo. After a break of an hour or so I'm back on the case.
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22nd March 2025, 12:24
I know some find Enigmatist a bit much but you have to marvel at the effort put in to some of his clues (not so much the effort in solving them).

Still have plenty unparsed. Don't understand 3d, the second part of the clue. 23a I don't get and it's only really that I lucked out on 7d that I got it. But hey, totally enjoyable puzzle and well worth the furrowed brow.

I'm going 6d for COD just for the nerve of it.
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22nd March 2025, 12:49
Rocky: the Limerick man is nothing to do with Ireland.
7d parses as 4,1,2,4, where the 2,4 is a phrase. The solution is a thing in the land of 14a.
Hope that kind of helps!
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22nd March 2025, 13:15
I either don't like (or possibly just don't get) those two letters meaning "is it" but I like warming as a containment indicator and daybreak is clever.

It says something about our priorities as solvers that we're all talking about that clue and not 23a, which is arguably actually a controversial statement in the "real world"!
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