Hi Quisling,
It's been quite a scientist and animal themed evening for me thus far. Earlier I was watching B. F. Skinner and his amazing performing pigeons (curtesy of Hannah Fry on YouTube) and now reading about Wegner and his "don't think about the white bear" theory.
Sorry about the earworm but, in all fairness, it was Rocky started it (you grass Bren!) and I thought, 'well, if I'm going to suffer...'.
I will be watching the Chinese GP but, truth be told, I don't really sleep at weekends, what with the Guardian Prize, IQ, EV and Listener so I've been scrolling IMDB for a good film to help me pass the time and take a break from the crosswords, perhaps something wholesome, for all the family and with a good moral story. Hmmm...let me think:-)