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22nd March 2025, 20:31
Belated thanks to Chrise et al for help. Went out to a friend's. Took dogs and left phone behind before checking responses. I recommend this dog and no bone strategy as a passive way of destressing in this accelerating media vortex that is supposedly real life nowadays.

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22nd March 2025, 21:39
Thanks Chrise ,not a fan , have not seen film.
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22nd March 2025, 22:02
Even if you haven't seen the film I think you would know the reference (song) dhope. High on a hill....
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22nd March 2025, 22:09
... layee odl layee 🎵
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22nd March 2025, 22:42
Brendan, behave. Doubtless you will be staying up for the Chinese GP, but God-fearing folk are getting ready for bed, and nobody needs to take a Julie Andrews earworm with them. Remember Wegner’s “white bear” experiment …
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22nd March 2025, 22:59
Hi Quisling,

It's been quite a scientist and animal themed evening for me thus far. Earlier I was watching B. F. Skinner and his amazing performing pigeons (curtesy of Hannah Fry on YouTube) and now reading about Wegner and his "don't think about the white bear" theory.

Sorry about the earworm but, in all fairness, it was Rocky started it (you grass Bren!) and I thought, 'well, if I'm going to suffer...'.

I will be watching the Chinese GP but, truth be told, I don't really sleep at weekends, what with the Guardian Prize, IQ, EV and Listener so I've been scrolling IMDB for a good film to help me pass the time and take a break from the crosswords, perhaps something wholesome, for all the family and with a good moral story. Hmmm...let me think:-)
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22nd March 2025, 23:23
Hi Brendan, I must check out the pigeons. Fair enough, a Rocky pile-on it is. How about Mary Poppins for your film? Hmm, on second thoughts, Dick Van Dyke’s accent is a worse crime than anything Julie Andrews ever committed 🙈

I recommend the IQ. A fine challenge. Some intricate parsing, and a slightly curious endgame, but it all works out.
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23rd March 2025, 02:05
Ugh. These crosswords just make me feel dumb. Unable to parse the following. Will wait for fifteensquared next week.

across: 1, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 23,
down: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

On to the nice friendly Everyman to undent my ego.
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23rd March 2025, 03:09
Brendan, I note that “butter” is another word for Jono’s list that we discussed a few weeks back.
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23rd March 2025, 04:00
Hi Darla,

I remember it cropping up because I got caught out by "prayer" in Paul's 'puzzled' themed Prize 29,607. I've just gone back and checked the thread and wrote this in reply:-

"Honestly, the amount of times I've seen "number" as something that numbs and "flower" as something that flows - you'd think I'd know better!" - completely overlooking the opportunity to mention that "better", if not already on it, would be a perfect addition to Jono's list.

I note that you also had that clue as a possible COD, specifically because you "really liked the sneaky prayer".

I suppose the trick is for the setter to try and hide or disguise it within the surface of the clue, and Enigmatist did that brillianly in this instance with "butter mountain" - genius:-)
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