2d cont.....
Okay, after watching my main man Lewis win the Sprint race in China, I've given this some more thought and come up with two possible but, to be frank, ludicrous explanations. These both assume we are all correct regarding the 3 letter ""at daybreak?".
1. The answer was originally meant to include a different 2 letter abbreviation meaning "is" (maybe even 'it is', at a stretch) but there was a late rewrite and it wasn't caught by either setter or editor. This doesn't, however, explain the inclusion of the "it" after "is".
2. This is where I really delve into the realms of fantasy, but hey, it's late and I'm trying to keep my mind occupied until the F1 qualification begins.... and it's too late to start strumming my guitar - one must be considerate of the neighbours (will you get on with it!!!)
Right, this one requires that we apply the same crypic manoeuvre to the 2 letters as we do to the 3. If we do this and consult Chambers, we see that it's an accepted spelling of a "personification of the earth" in Greek mythology. So now look at the answer and you'll note that "at daybreak?" is spelling out exactly what 3 does to to 2 - All nonsense I know but still,
What usually happens at in instances like these, at least to me, is that, at some time during the day, someone will post the most blindingly obvious explanation as to why the clue makes perfect sense as it is.