Really struggling. Have about 25 answers but so many clashes make it very hard to enter them.
So I’ll start with a few of the most irritating pleas for advice.
The 11 letter down cries out to go in column 7, first two letters are right. Then it clashes again and again, should I worry or not. Then I presume the 10 letter entry somehow changes thematically to 11 later?
Glib account in collection of papers (6) and Note in case brought to hospital (3) are holding me up as the only acrosses missing in top section. Presumably it’s a note ending in H but can’t see it.
Of ones already mentioned on the forum, I still can’t solve the game; or the ‘gear’ which a poster hinted was B&Q stock, both really key in firming up my acrosses.
In the downs, I have a good unusual first letter that would give location of Geelong but what has cloudy got to do with it.
And similarly next to it with an unusual first letter is the Mayan one? But the only word (which is not in Chambers) seems to relate to a language, so why Mayans see through?
Enough. Will try IQ, maybe Ifor will restore my confidence.