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27th October 2020, 18:45
Deviant, it's 1 letter taken from each place. You need to look at the 5-letter word in line 3, not the answers.
71 of 97  -   Report This Post


27th October 2020, 18:47
Seems you've gone wrong with your letters. It's 4, 5, 4 as said before. And they are three common words. Yes the last one could imply two in a way.
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27th October 2020, 19:10
Deviant, it's a bit difficult to be diagnostic. What are your final 4 letters on line 3?
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27th October 2020, 19:10
I don't think I've gone wrong. It's a fairly typical Listener message; I just can't see anything that makes sense from words or letters.
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27th October 2020, 19:16
The last word of the message refers to the part of the clues that are defined by the first word of the message
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27th October 2020, 19:19
I initially led myself up a gum tree looking at certain letters of the answers rather than the clues.
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27th October 2020, 19:23

Highlight the "last word of line three" of the "1st and 2nd words of line three", acrosses then down as is normally the case.
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27th October 2020, 19:41
Granama1, I was doing the same thing for awhile.
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27th October 2020, 20:06
MPRS, I guess you had the same thought that SSPELOO.... wasn't very enlightening! Sadly, it's not the first time I've confused clue and answer. Sigh.
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27th October 2020, 20:44
With (more than) a little bit of help from my friends, I've finished. I didn't think I would. So thanks to all who have contributed above.

It was indeed a brilliant construction. I thought there were some very difficult clues; 39 across, 11 down and 35 down in particular. Only one question: was the word in the third row from the bottom needed and did it add anything? As far as I could see there was only final solution - or, once again, have I missed something?

My thanks to Twin and lights out on a very wet sandbank.
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