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25th October 2020, 01:03
You need a word for two, as in oxen. Then you can probably figure the rest.
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25th October 2020, 01:05
Yeah, thanks MPRS, as per usual I saw it as soon as I posted - there should be a name for that:-)
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25th October 2020, 01:53
That’s called post-enlightenment.
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25th October 2020, 01:54
I like it Buddy - I think that'll catch on:-)
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25th October 2020, 09:23
All done apart from 35d. I’m assuming the answer is the first four words, but cannot figure out the wordplay, so some help would be appreciated.
I thought some of the clues were stinkers, with some very vague definitions, but all in all this was very enjoyable and very clever. How do they compile these puzzles!
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25th October 2020, 09:31
Adverb (5 letters) meaning artfully (or cunningly) minus single letter abbreviation for strangeness.
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25th October 2020, 09:42
Yes, thanks loge, I saw it just after I posted. This seems to happen a lot, not only to me apparently.
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25th October 2020, 09:45
I’m struggling to complete the top half of the grid and find the hint. Nudges for 20a and 8a would be appreciated.
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25th October 2020, 10:01
XIJ - someone on another thread called it post enlightenment. I like that!

Numbskull - 20 a is a reverse hidden, 8a a word for shots in a filming sense reversed minus A(maretto)
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25th October 2020, 10:02
20a hidden retro.
German type of hock I think.
Can someone help me with 7d? I’ve got coiled in my mind but can’t get the change so it might be wrong.
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