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25th October 2020, 10:05
Actually the post enlightenment idea was Buddy earlier on in this thread, to give full credit.

Rickye - nearly right, but change the first letter.
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25th October 2020, 10:12
Thank you Loge and Rickye
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25th October 2020, 10:13
Thanks loge. So an s which would make sense if it wasn’t there.
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25th October 2020, 18:01
Not s either. Think of a typical synonym for radical as the shell.
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25th October 2020, 18:05
Hi all, late to the party, but have got myself nearly to the end, and been scuppered by 26d (now worrying I have one of the intersecting clues incorrect as I took a bit of a punt on the include entry which this far has worked on ok...)

Hints greatly appreciated!
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25th October 2020, 18:21
26d... first word is the definition. Then an anagram containing ‘rook in the centre’... not the usual R but literally the centre of rook
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25th October 2020, 18:44
Thanks to ginge (post 8) for help parsing 11; this was driving me bonkers!
My final problem is 7 which does not seemed to have bothered many people. I have letters 2, 3, 5 and 6. I'd like the first letter to be F, but I'm damned if I can parse it! Please put me out of my misery, someone.
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25th October 2020, 18:51
Jif73. You need a word meaning ran (as in legged it) around (rings) O and S. Outwitted is the definition. Your F is correct
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25th October 2020, 18:51
You’re right. 4 letter word for ran with a ring and the last letter of cops inside.
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25th October 2020, 19:29
Thanks, mathprofrockstar and merenz.

Note to self: beware the hackneyed phrase such as "Ran rings round". I oscillated between this and "outwitted" as the defn. Add my indecision over whether "cops" meant "police", was a container indicator or "cops, finally" led to S, and quite a few synapses were fried trying to work through all the permutations...

I'm glad that I kept plugging away at this one as the endgame was a real tour de force. Hats off to Twin.
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