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5th October 2020, 17:10
Candledave, it's The Answer Bank. Don't go there if you want Answers.
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5th October 2020, 17:19
Thanks Iona.

If you look at the order of the “containers” in both the clues and the grid, you’ll see they are in order thematically.

I think the reference to “neet” is a reference to the odd spelling of the fourth container in the grid although there may be a better explanation
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5th October 2020, 17:39
Candledave, many thanks. I've learned something new, and it's subtle touches like this - making life difficult for yourself as a setter when you don't have to and when many of your solvers won't notice - that sets apart the truly brilliant setters from the rest of the pack.

Not sure about 'neet' though. The spelling of that fourth container looks all right to me.

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5th October 2020, 17:50
Agree, I don’t understand “neet”.

Think it would have been more appropriate to say that it is a really “neat” touch!
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5th October 2020, 17:54
I've a feeling that must be what was intended. Just goes to show that if you intend to put 'sic' after what you've written, it's important to check what you've actually typed!
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5th October 2020, 18:02
Candledave. I posted the original comment about “neet”. I deliberately misspelt it, hence the (sic). It was an intentional double pun in which I didn’t want to give too much away. At this stage it appears most people know what the items are, both containers and contained, so the “neat” reference should be apparent and probably the correct spelling might have been better. Not a red herring like Shark’s latest in Magpie!
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5th October 2020, 18:24
Ah, I get it now - too clever for me!

Thanks for the explanation, Simon.
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5th October 2020, 18:40
Candledave. Just to add, the second part of the pun was
sic(k). If you have .... in the ..... as per the theme, then you
feel ...... Not that clever. On the surface it’s deep, but deep down it’s shallow! 😜
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5th October 2020, 22:37
White flag here. I did solve enough of the grid to figure the theme, drawing, etc., but I am still stuck with a few clues. I think I have the entries at 8a and 9d but can't figure out the wordplay. With 5d, I am completely lost. Any hints are appreciated.
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5th October 2020, 22:45

8a - 6 letter word meaning "dopes" minus 2 letters for a "medical degree" - definition is "performances"

9d - 4 letter word for "hit" (informal according to Chambers) + 3 letter word for "head" minus last letter/"briefly" all reversed/"from below" - definition is an unusual meaning of "get rid of mouse"

5d - 6 letter word for "radical" (as in a chemical) + A(merican) - definition is "ways in"
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