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2nd October 2020, 15:53
The puzzle's from Shark - often dangerous!
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2nd October 2020, 18:22
I have a feeling this thread is going to get pretty busy over the coming days. After my first read through, I solved a grand total of two clues!
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2nd October 2020, 18:51
Don't be too disheartened - I was the same initially, but most of the clues are more straightforward than Shark often is. I have all but 2. But that's where I've hit a wall. The bottom row doesn't suggest anything, and the interpretation of "systematically extract[ing] one letter" is still opaque. Early days though.
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2nd October 2020, 19:14
I'm with you Brendan, only 15a and 28d on first read through!
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2nd October 2020, 19:24
I'm happy with all my entries (easier Shark than usual), and I can see one possible word in the all-but-one-mirror-image-letters which would lead to a curve which would be hard to trace unambigously. I've not cracked the systematics of extracting letters from the omitted words, or found any sensible way to fill the bottom line, so have extracted the cork from a bottle of Rioja instead. Tomorrow is another day.
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2nd October 2020, 23:25
Good start. Have the theme and the four extracted messages but just need to crack through answering the clues! Will continue tomorrow.
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3rd October 2020, 00:01
I've got the right hand side of the grid completed and much of the south west so still a bit to go. Have yet to see what the extra words have in common but it's early days:-)
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3rd October 2020, 00:15
Grid filled, couple to fully parse to our satisfaction.
Curves completed. Got all the extracted words and the theme. idea what these messages are yet.
That’ll be tomorrow’s task.
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3rd October 2020, 03:41
Finally have a full grid but definitely need to catch a few Zzzzzz before I embark on phase 2:-)
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3rd October 2020, 05:03
Just as a matter of interest, did anyone do the Enigmatic Variations last week?
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