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4th October 2020, 17:57
Suzannah, "wet" is a verb in past tense here, in the sense of wet the bed or wet oneself, with two different abbreviations for barrel inside.
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4th October 2020, 17:58
Glad to here that 'wet the bed' and 'wet oneself' are both in the past tense for you , Loge. I still have my moments...
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4th October 2020, 17:58
I have it as one abbreviation for “barrels” in the middle (as per Chambers) but no biggie either way
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4th October 2020, 18:07
Good point Candledave. It works both ways but your version is probably what the setter intended.

Defo past tense in the clue, Suzannah, if not at my age...
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4th October 2020, 19:14
A very wet Sunday evening here on the Norfolk sandbank.

thanks to some nudges from above have managed to complete the grid, bar the bottom row. Can anyone parse 22 across please/

The second row suggests the theme is one of:
nautical leaders
a previous sponsor of the replica Welsh Rugby jerseys - I still wear mine with pride
the same as a recent EV puzzle

I'm guessing the last and will battle on. I cannot for the life of me see what the surplus words int eh cause have in common. Can any suggest a way of tackling it? Many thanks
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4th October 2020, 19:18
Hi Williamseal,

22a the outside 2 letters are a way of saying "mum"/silence and they go around/"welcome" a 4 letter word meaning "glow of light" - definition is "bulb"
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4th October 2020, 19:22

Re the second row - look at the seven letter word you referring to (it's not nautical) and then look at the word the letters surrounding it make. Do the same with the 4th row and you should see a pattern emerging.

One piece of advice - look up every single definition of the 'containing' words - they all have a common meaning which I would never have guessed in a million years.
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4th October 2020, 20:00
Thanks Brendan for both your posts.

I’ve now grasped the very clever theme. Flippers mean that it’s not worth drawing but I can guess what the result is likely to be. I still still can’t see what the extra words have in common - despite the nudges above. Has numbskull cracked it?
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4th October 2020, 20:05
Hi Williamseal,

Being a part time artist, drawing the representation in the grid was a real highlight for me, especially as I used different colours:-)

You're right that grammatically the extra words don't have anything in common - but count the letters and they do.

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4th October 2020, 20:22
Thanks Brendan

Some daylight is emerging. I can see something from 12 across to 18 across. However the extra words in 1 and 8 seem to generate ru which doesn’t fit with what follows.
What am I doing wrong?

Promise not to be a pest after this
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