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3rd October 2020, 20:00
Dylan, write down half a dozen or so of your extra words, they'll have something in common - which will allow you to 'systematically extract' a letter.

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3rd October 2020, 20:20
Dylan. Stare very hard at your grid’s second row.
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3rd October 2020, 20:28
Lewap. Your analysis is correct. Neither is given under ruin in Chambers. Both have ruin as one of their definitions
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3rd October 2020, 20:46
Well, this all seems to make sense except that I don't understand the definition for 26d....a hint, anyone?
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3rd October 2020, 20:54
Blacksaint. As every letter can be crosschecked, it’s only for satisfying your curiosity. Try the obtained word in Google and you’ll get a computer game.
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3rd October 2020, 21:03
Ah, OK, thanks - I had googled but ignored the computer game...I would have expected a hint in the clue that this was a virtual adventurer, not a real one, but maybe I need to revise my expectations!
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3rd October 2020, 22:02
I’m still struggling with 1a. I believe I have the British resort, but still can’t parse.
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3rd October 2020, 22:05

I was stuck on the parsing for a while as well. It's the name of a Canadian bird/"singer" with one of the L(ines) becoming "nothing" giving the "resort".
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3rd October 2020, 22:06
Mathprof, the resort would be a Canadian singer if the penultimate letter was different . The relevant bit would be 'nothing for one line'.
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4th October 2020, 01:35
Thank you, both. You essentially have to figure out the entry and reverse engineer the clue. Never heard of the _________ warbler.
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