PS Not to mention the greatest detail of all - watch where the ball crosses the line in the actual game, then compare it to the placing of the X within the goal - utterly superb!
I have solved all clues, found clashes, thematic structure and relevant names, but do I submit full clashes in cells or only a letter which fits both across and down clues? Some names are a bit large to squash into one cell. What do others think/know?
Could someone please help me out with 48a? I have a seven letter word defined by the last word in the clue, but can’t parse it. Also, does the first word contain a four letter word for the team of the players appearing in 1ac?
Can I have a tip on the clash between 9d and 17a? I think that must be the last one, which has a lot of letters to use up!
The definitions, or one of, might help.
Otherwise I am done. Got delayed by entering wrong dye at 18.