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16th May 2020, 21:14
First post. Just checking it arrives
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16th May 2020, 21:32
Good evening. Hope everybody is staying safe.
Never used this forum before, like to try and solve things ourselves, but now we’re stuck.

We have still got 8 clues to solve, but having found the extra words in both the across and down clues by logic and imagination, we have found the theme, the event, the 3 main people, their roles, names and position on the final grid,
Thus yielding the thematic structure.

We seem to only have 3 clashes so far, which doesn’t seem to yield much info, so have no idea about the thematic names, other than the three required at the relevant event.

We cannot seem to solve, 1ac, 1dn, 3dn, 8dn, 9dn, 11 , 27 dn. as for 42 ac, just cannot parse this at all.

Any assistance gratefully received. Beer might follow,

Take care
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16th May 2020, 22:02
SimpleSimon, hello - and welcome.

In your list of unsolved clues, only one of them is not involved in the thematic names! This makes it a bit tricky to give hints. As you have found the extra words, the general nature of the theme should be available to you. Your names, roles etc follows on from the specific stuff mentioned in the Down clues.
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16th May 2020, 22:26

1a. The first word is anagrind. The last word is the def.
7 letters.
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16th May 2020, 22:27
42a - I think this is a particularly tortuous clue -
you need a 'saw' in the sense of an adage or saying (3 letters) the 'circuit' is a computing term (2 letters) 'air' in the sense of to wear (5 letters) and the definition is 'F1 perhaps' ('wins' is extra).
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16th May 2020, 22:29
Hi Malone

Thanks for your reply.

From the across and down clues' extra/removed words,
We were able to deduce the main event, its date, the
3 main people etc. All duly entered in the grid to produce
the thematic structure. So having found the main participants,
as it were, the rest of the "instruction" from the removed across
words, doesn't yet make sense as we are unfortunately working
backwards now and yielding insufficient data to make an informed
decision. That, together with ignorance of the particular subject
matter, doesn't help. So are we looking for additional names to
the ones we already have? Are they also participants in similar events?
Nudge would be nice!

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16th May 2020, 23:01
Thank you Sunray.

Guess we'll just grind through the options.
Wasn't expecting it to overlap into 5 and 6
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16th May 2020, 23:12
drxx, re 42ac, It might be academic, but I’m slightly puzzled by your parsing. If “circuits” is plural the S needs to attach to the 2 letters, and “air” must refer to the last 4 letters, rather than 5. I think the 5 is more natural, too. But I suppose either satisfies the definition.
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16th May 2020, 23:30
You're right, quisling - I'd overlooked the plural - I think it might be 'air' in the sense of music, and a bagpipe composition could be the final 4 letters (thank you!).
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16th May 2020, 23:34
...yes, 'instrumental tune' in Chambers (even better!).
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