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17th May 2020, 19:03
All done, but I am a little confused by the last instruction. Do we delete the letters and put in a cross, or just add a small cross to each letter? Apart from that, this puzzle was a belter.
81 of 111  -   Report This Post


17th May 2020, 19:16
just an X inside the clash in the shaded bit ...letters in the other 8 clashes
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17th May 2020, 19:53
Thanks bunty, I can see the relevance for that, but wouldn’t it be more relevant to put a large circle, or am I missing something. Having no interest in this predominantly male pursuit, I’d only heard of a few of the names. I didn’t even know that the name in question was a party to it. Thank goodness for Google
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17th May 2020, 20:00
XIJ, doesn't the preamble advice/instruction lead to there being a circle in that cell? Then the cross gets added...

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17th May 2020, 21:08
I think the puzzle title refers to a competition I can remember from the 1960s/70s - ''Spot the ....'' - a photograph with the .... erased appeared in the newspaper and the idea was to put an X where you thought the .... should be (the nearest to it won a few £££s).
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17th May 2020, 21:47
Before I put this away, can I have a parse for...

42a Saw circuits air F1, perhaps
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17th May 2020, 22:09
Hi, brendan,

The definition is “F1, perhaps”, giving a 10-letter answer. “Saw”, in the sense “wise saying” is a 3-letter French word, then “circuits” are logical circuits, sometimes referred to as “gates” (see 28dn for another example), for 3 letters, and the final 4 letters are “air”, in the sense of an “instrumental tune”
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17th May 2020, 22:11
'saw'/adage MOT + ORS (computer circuits) + PORT ('air'/a tune or a mien) [+thanks to quisling].
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17th May 2020, 22:18
Thanks very much Wintonian,

I'd got the logic gate but just couldn't untangle it from the rest. It wasn't until I was putting it away that I realised the shaded names make up goal posts and a crossbar - It never ceases to amaze me the level of detail in these puzzles:-)
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17th May 2020, 22:19
Thanks Drxx,

I'd never before heard that definition of 'port' - every day's a school day:-)
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