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15th May 2020, 16:10
Thank you!
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15th May 2020, 17:55
I would like to record my thanks to tatters for posting a link to the crossword each Friday. It really is a wonderful public service.

I used to nip out to the newsagent before breakfast every Saturday to get the paper so that I could start on the Listener with my cup of tea. Thanks to tatters, I can now wait until after breakfast to get my copy of the Saturday Times. And, even better, Fridays are filled with wonderful anticipation as the clock ticks towards 4pm.

This evening I'm on a garden bench with a lovely local IPA and the crossword. It's blissful, and it's all thanks to tatters.
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15th May 2020, 20:54
All thanks to Tatters - you mean he supplies the IPA too? Truly a gent! ;-)

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15th May 2020, 20:58
On a more serious note, a bit of a beast. All finished now, but I'm not overly impressed with the final 'decisive' instruction, nor am I really sure it was in any way necessary.
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15th May 2020, 21:09
Thanks again tatters, I'm indebted to you too (i can now give Saturday's newspaper plenty of time to air out - and I get to read more of it too).

I thought this was going to be over quite quickly, it was all going so smoothly... and then I got really bogged down (I found some of the clues very tough).

I have to say, it's nice to get a theme that's a bit more down to earth.
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16th May 2020, 05:56
@ 40a, the answer seems to be an anagram/wild around a single letter representation of "200" - the problem is the 2 letters at the end of the last word don't seem to form any part of the answer, but there is no instruction to remove them - what is going on?
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16th May 2020, 06:08
Brendan, I'm a little puzzled about the 'two letters at the end... don't seem to form any part of the answer'. They do in mine!
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16th May 2020, 06:14
Hmm... I must have gone wrong then - my answer is an anagram of the first 6 letters of the last word around an old Roman letter denoting 200. I know that an anagram of the whole word around H would match the definition perfectly, but there are only 8 letters in the answer and "sigh.....ers" is 10 letters?
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16th May 2020, 06:16
Brendan, the 'clashing letters can form...' is important, downright crucial!

PS I think your last post is a bit too revealing.
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