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19th April 2020, 09:36
Yes, the set at refers to a Shakespearean speech which gives a chronological list of seven.
121 of 182  -   Report This Post


19th April 2020, 09:39
Thanks, Granama, I wasn't sure of the parsing you had so did a fairly detailed answer rather than just mentioning Shakespeare. I'm sure you've tidied it up - in your mind - now!
122 of 182  -   Report This Post


19th April 2020, 09:40
Malone, got it! Thanks.

(A local stained glass maker has produced a fabulous series of pieces representing the Shakespearean theme with her father as the subject. I have a copy of the book she made of the work. It's superb).
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19th April 2020, 09:45
All I need now is a set that includes a haven for tadpoles and a state of rapture. Oh, and some idea of starting point, first letter and direction of travel for the drafted wordsearch element, once again, a stumbling block for me. Dratted, damned, blooming, take your pick,
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19th April 2020, 09:48
can anyone hint where to look for instruction and word . Have everything else.
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19th April 2020, 09:49
Turast, the wordsearch element wasn't too bad - the last word in the title meant that one section of it is fairly conspicuous...
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19th April 2020, 10:16
Could someone tell me if the hidden words are in a straight line? Ta
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19th April 2020, 10:17
Planks, - straight lines (remember 'one [cell] used twice).
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19th April 2020, 10:22
Thanks malone, I've been over the grid with a ruler and nothing leaps out. I'd found a nice contender in a wiggly line...… drat.
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19th April 2020, 10:28
got it now so ignore post thanks.
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