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18th April 2020, 14:33
If it's the clue answer, unclued it is -
Scots dialect for 'teach' (4 letters) around 'the' - def 'beat'/hit.
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18th April 2020, 15:22
Thanks again, Tatters. Much appreciated!
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18th April 2020, 15:41
Thanks again drxx.
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18th April 2020, 16:00
Hello all, I’ve struggled to get through this one, but only have two parts of the grid to tidy up:

5dn, I have the answer to the clue, but would be grateful if someone could give me a hint to the context of the replacement.

41dn, I have the answer but it has two different spellings in chambers and I can’t fully parse the wordplay
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18th April 2020, 16:09
I cannot solve the clue for 6ac and need more of a hint. There are a lot of possibilities for the substitution, and not many of them seem to fit the bill so far as the theme is concerned. Is this a sporting reference?

I thought 1 ac was very unfair. Having been on 1ac several times I was wondering what this obscure WT was, and I needed some good fortune to investigate the other interpretation, which is something I know nothing about at all.

No idea about the final step; I hate these word searches.
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18th April 2020, 16:12
The two letters in the middle of 41 = 'child'.
The context for 5 would include silver + gold at the other extreme.
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18th April 2020, 16:16
Inevitably, as soon as I posted about 6a I solved it. I assume that the context is a prize, but I will need to check this. Now to search the grid.
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18th April 2020, 16:24
I think quite a lot of this puzzle was unfair, foinavon (but your name should have helped with that one!).
For 6ac I thought the replacement was particularly obscure (almost as bad as 35d!) but you've obviously got the answer now).
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18th April 2020, 16:27
...sorry, foinavEn (that might explain it!).
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18th April 2020, 16:31
My initial verdict was also that several of the thematic entries were unfair, but since I managed to complete the puzzle I’ll settle for “wilfully obscure”. In these difficult times I am all for a challenging puzzle, but am not too keen on one which mostly involves fruitless internet searching!
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