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22nd April 2020, 12:41
I would probably go as far as to say it's essential. I have the phone app version and think it's brilliant, it even has an anagram solver and a word search facility. I got the dictionary app and Chambers thesaurus and still had change from £10.
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22nd April 2020, 13:37
Chambers phone app is superb, I agree. Cut my solving time in half compared to using the book. Use it all the time for non listener use as well.
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22nd April 2020, 14:06
Thanks Malone for the explanation and to Brendan and SmellyHarry for the advice on the app. I had wrongly assumed that the “11” in the clue referred to 11 across. All clear now.
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22nd April 2020, 18:42
For those who haven't seen it over at the other place, give this one a go.

It's stunning and just keeps giving. There is a video of it being solved here (which also explains elements of the endgame that I'd missed).

Can't recommend it enough.
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23rd April 2020, 21:41
Thanks simond9x that was a great crossword and watching the solve was excellent. So many layers with the added challenge of the American influence. Thanks again, well worth watching.
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28th April 2020, 00:44
Wow, this one was a doozy. I got it all eventually, but I do have a few parsing queries if anyone could lob me a hint or two...
28 wordplay ‘Cored wood to make flutes and harp-like instrument’
42 wordplay ‘Harangue the established order noiselessly’
2 wordplay ‘Northern race in Biblical location’
31 ‘Helpless giggling with no anger on Thursday — could be next after one of three’
Muchly obliged.
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28th April 2020, 00:48
Got 28 with a bit more Chambers searching! Ignore that one!
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28th April 2020, 00:52
31 If you add a 3 letter synonym for "anger" to the first four letters, you get a 2 word French term meaning "helpless giggling".
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28th April 2020, 00:55
2 If you turn the answer upside down (Northern) you get a word that Chambers gives as a "race"
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28th April 2020, 01:59
Mooncow, re 42a, take a 3 letter word for 'noise' from a word which can also mean admission to the ministry.
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