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18th April 2020, 18:05
Thanks, got it! Just one to complete the grid now. 24d wasn't helped by the fact I had 28a ending in 'o'
91 of 182  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 18:13
So, if I may beg one more bit of enlightenment re 46a. I have all the letters from crossing clues but cannot make anything fit. I'll try juggling the one letter that may be ?? from 33d but I was reasonably sure of it.
92 of 182  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 18:19
The answer is a Greek island. Walks = steps.
93 of 182  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 18:42
Thanks unclued. Got it. Now, the end-game...
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18th April 2020, 19:21
Cripes, I've returned to this after an afternoon of other distractions and am finally making headway, I'm completely stumped by 6ac though and would appreciate a nudge. Is 33d something to do with jewellery? This is the toughest puzzle for a while IMHO. Like pulling teeth!
95 of 182  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 19:27
For 6ac you need fan = blow.
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18th April 2020, 19:30
Hi Planks, I think 33d must be some category of jewellery/stone as I got the baseball field to parse and theres only a lesser sort that fits the swap. 6a, haven't a clue despite earlier discussions!
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18th April 2020, 19:31
Couldn’t have got this far without all this help. Found words in grid and worked out replacement word etc but would like clarity please on 19a clue answer and 34 d new word and link to clue answer. Also the alternative title? What are progressive letters? Thanks
98 of 182  -   Report This Post


18th April 2020, 19:32
d'oh! Thanks unclued
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18th April 2020, 19:33
Planks, in 33dn you will need amon(g) in the answer.
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