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15th April 2020, 18:08
crosswizz - as you're new to this and it's late in the week I'll give you the location of the first two clashes... first letter of 14a and third letter of 15a. Good luck!
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15th April 2020, 18:38
Thanks but I think I have 12 of them already funnily enough it's 14a I don't have !! Issue it's P?SEL
82 of 102  -   Report This Post


15th April 2020, 18:39
Sorry I meant us the word P?SEL
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15th April 2020, 18:45
I think I have it now the clash is L/P thanks Smartie

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15th April 2020, 18:52
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15th April 2020, 21:21
What the hell is post 85???
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15th April 2020, 23:04
Ignore it - just an idiot spammer.
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16th April 2020, 19:43
I'm always slower to start these puzzles than the rest of you, so I apologise for my late arrival. I try to do the puzzles without help from the blog until I get stuck.

I have managed to complete the grid with the exception of 7Dn, 20Ac, 28Ac and 37Ac. I have identified 11 of the 12 clashes but lack the 12th. I read in the blog that the "13th" clash is in 20 Ac, but have not yet cracked that.

Not yet into the anagrams of the 12 clashes or the rest of the endgame, but would be grateful for a few steers towards getting further down the line. Thank You in advance.
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16th April 2020, 19:49

7 D. 'Periodically inspected' leads to the usual selection of letters,

28. A - Just hidden....

37. A one-letter 'Times', a short 'article' and three letters sounding exactly like a three letter word for 'trouble' (noun). The definition is 'paradise for writer'.
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16th April 2020, 19:50
For 7d - look at 3rd 4th and 5th words of the clue

20a - answer hidden in 5th word [1st letter is a clash]

28a - answer hidden in final 3 words

37a - starts with X
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