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17th April 2020, 20:49
Hello Brendan and Tatters, and thank you both so much for your assistance in the face of my incompetence.

I should have found the words contained in the grid relating to the two anagrams. They were each formed of consecutive letters and were easily visible.

In retrospect, I am ashamed to admit that I was googling "Eton Bitmap", convinced it would show a "visual image" of I'm not quite sure what. Possibly something to do with the Eton Wall Game. But the "Eye" should have been a deterrent from sport game towards hunting game.
I was on the right lines but going up blind alleys.

I also could have, and should have checked to discover that the order of the letters in the 2 anagrams was the same (which it had to be of course because, otherwise, there would have been two different "paths"). Anyhow, Hindsight is so easy in retrospect, innit!

I am so grateful to both of you. Thank you again.
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17th April 2020, 21:14
Hi Tiomateo1,

I'm glad you got it sorted. It's true that both words are easily visible (once you know where to look!), unfortunately I'd convinced myself that, as this was a Listener, they would be hidden in a diagonal, perhaps written backwards! From now on I'm going to adopt a more "Occam's razor" approach:-)
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