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13th April 2020, 20:07
Lumen - use short form of Quebec + advanced (as in level of exams) + short form of 'natural'. Definition is last 2 words.
I've a full grid apart from 14 ac. I know it must have a clash in it but I'm stumped. Any help gratefully received!
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13th April 2020, 20:21
Solved 14a now. (I seem to solve the clues shortly after I post a request for help - why does that always happen lol?)
Now to the endgame...
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13th April 2020, 20:24
Got the Q one thanks.
14a is rare word, definition at end of clue as you'd expect.
Bewilder, followed by L for Latin.
Bewilder as in stop someone comprehending.
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13th April 2020, 20:27
Glad we got you to Quebec, Lumen!

PS Shame you're just too late with the Latin one.
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13th April 2020, 20:40
Delighted to say that it is all completed without needing to seek help from this Forum. It must have been the inspiration from BBC Wales re-broadcasting the 2005 Wales Ireland game on Saturday afternoon (I was there fifteen years ago!).

Having said that I am uncertain about the parsing of 6 across:
Imaging method made smart pamphlet after revolution (6)

Is bite taken to mean 'make smart' or am I missing something.

Many thanks Apt for a lovely puzzle - just about the right level of difficulty for me. Hope that all the regular contributors, and indeed occasional visitors, are well,

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13th April 2020, 21:07
Yes - Chambers gives a defn for bite as 'to smart or cause to smart'...
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13th April 2020, 21:10
Williamseal - made smart is, as you say, bite. Look at bite def 3 sub 5 for confirmation. It's the past participle - bit.
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13th April 2020, 21:32
Thanks - all done
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13th April 2020, 21:36
Still need 15a.
I have Houk?d so guess it includes my final clash?!
Can't see how pet fits.
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13th April 2020, 21:44
Lumen, the u is incorrect. An abbreviation for a term of endearment + word for a fly. Def. is a synonym for 'smelled'
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