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11th April 2020, 14:38
Eventually parsed 12d and completed the puzzle. Very clever setting. There is a bit of a a clue in the preamble in instruction (ii). There can't be many options that fit. (:o)
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11th April 2020, 15:31
I’ve got the final clues sorted now thanks to helpful hints on here, for which many thanks. I said last night that I had the letters to be highlighted. Unfortunately it took me till just now to think of googling the two words together! So now I know what the theme is, though I still don’t have the two phrases.
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11th April 2020, 15:43
Got them now!
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11th April 2020, 19:44
Hey, the offered prize has changed! Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable! Which I presume is one of the books you can pick, but this is the first time I recall seeing anything other than CED being named...
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11th April 2020, 19:54
Hi mooncow, I seem to be rather fortunate with the prizes. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners when the CED was out of print due to printing errors and received Brewers in lieu. I was also lucky enough to be one of the winners for listener 4599, so I may yet receive a much needed new copy of CED just in time. I never check the prize on offer, but if I end up with 2 copies of Brewers I will let you know and happily send one of them to you.
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12th April 2020, 11:35
I have 12 clashes but am still to resolve the entries for 12 down and 15 across. Will that produce the 13th clash and a steer on the resolution will be appreciated.
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12th April 2020, 11:45
Interested to read your comment re winners' prizes. Do we just wait until something arrives, or do we have a choice? Thanks
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12th April 2020, 11:57
Hi Notrab,

there are no clashes in 12d but there is one in 15a. The 13th clash is in 20a. The resolution is two lots of 3 word phrases that cryptically align with the with the 10 cells (2 words)
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12th April 2020, 12:23
Thanks brendan. I found it difficult to fit in an answer to 12 down without changing one of the letters from 11, 17 and 21 across but given your advice I persevered and found a word I had never heard of!! That enabled me to complete 15 across and thus finish. I never submit entries but do like to complete the puzzle.
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12th April 2020, 12:28
Glad to help.
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